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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Inglot Info, Haul, & Swatches!


Yay! Finally the internet connection is back up at home, ugh I hate Time Warner. Our internet is either slow or not working like 80% of the time...can't wait till our contract is up so we can switch. Anyway, I promised a post of my Inglot haul & swatches, so here it is!

A breakdown of what I got:
- Inglot's Milk & Tonic Wipes $4 (smells yummy and at such a good price!)
- Metal palette w/thumb hole $10 (to mix my pigments & foundations on)
- Large Inglot Makeup Bag $16 (fits all my brushes and Inglot palettes!)
- 10 eyeshadow palette with eyeshadows $50
- 5 eyeshadow palette with eyeshadows $30
- Inglot Loose Eyeshadow Pigment in #34 (got it at IMATS for $11)

There's so much info about Inglots, so I am going to break them up for those of you who are new to the brand.

How it works: Basically when you arrive at the store, you will be given a magnet board (assuming you want a palette), and you basically take the eyeshadows out of the demo slab and put it on your board (see pic below), once you are done, the sales rep will then give you the palette size you want (they have different sizes- 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40), along with the eyeshadows you picked out. You can either put the eyeshadows in yourself, or have the sales rep do it for you.

Freedom System Palette Pricing (pricing includes eyeshadows):
*Each eyeshadow pan (just the refill) is $7 each. At the store, the quantity doesn't matter it's still $7 no matter how many you buy (on their website, the more eyeshadow you buy, the cheaper each one is, example: you buy 10, each eyeshadow then becomes $4.50).

- 2 eyeshadow palette $16
- 4 eyeshadow palette $26
- 5 eyeshadow palette $30
- 10 eyeshadow palette $50
- 20 eyeshadow palette -around $85
- 40 eyeshadow palette $180
- 2 pressed powder palette $30
- 4 pressed blush palette $42

***Regarding rumored price increase***- Now I know via the internet, there have been some rumors about a price increase on the Inglot palettes (for example the 10 eyeshadow palette going from $50 to $80), BUT even though I do not know in the future if that will happen, I DID go to the Newport Beach location and I only paid $50 for my 10 pan palette, and supposedly this price increase was supposed to happen in Feb or May and bought it in early July so.....*shrugs*. BUT the makeup artist did tell me that the round eyeshadow pans WILL BE discontinued.

Color shades: The one thing I dislike about Inglot, is that they don't have easy shade names to remember, so if a friend were to ask me what I am wearing on my eyes, no way would I remember LOL. They name their shades by number and the type of finish it is. Example: 42 matte.

Inglot's various eyeshadow finishes (they have a lot of different finishes!)

  • Matte: Matte shades have a flat, dull finish, no shimmer or sparkle.
  • Pearl: Another fairly standard term, these shades have a satiny to slightly shimmery frost finish, but are devoid of separate particles of glitter.
  • DS: "Double Sparkle", these have a matte type base but have fine glitter or shimmer to them, but not overly sparkly.
  • AMC: Stands for "advanced makeup component", which is dubbed as long-wearing, waterproof, and sweatproof and to be the most pigmented out of all the other finishes.
  • AMC Shine: Same as AMC above, but more finely milled so these have a bit more sheen to them. 
The eyeshadow pans fit in my Z-palettes! These are the palettes I customized myself [CLICK TO ENLARGE]:
I ended up switching the e/s on the bottom row (2nd from the left), 
but the swatches reflect the new color :) 
Top Row:
***the darkest purple is on the left, and the rest of the swatches are in proper order***
 Some close ups of some of the shadows:


Lady In A Top Hat said...

It's too bad they don't use names but I guess numbers is much easier to assign to the colors. I really liked all the Pearl colors and of course, the D.S. How can you go wrong with sparkles?

Mai said...

Yeah at The Make Up Show LA they announced that there will not be an increase in the US but there is/was one in the UK. Do you know when the round eye shadows will be discontinued? Is that just for the freedom system?

Thank you for the awesome swatches!

AIDA said...

Great info breakdown! Thanks for posting.. I've wanted to try Inglot shadows for a while now..

<3 ShugaAndSpice

Uma Mageswari Preve said...

Very nicely done swatches.. I know it takes a lot of time to get them done... Good work!

Sofiamichelle said...

Awesome post vanessa! Thanks for the information on the pricing, I bought my Inglot shadows at IMATS so I wasn't sure about what the price would be regularly. Since they're $7 each regardless of quantity in store, I now know it's better and more cost effective for me to make future purchases online.

Larsen's said...

Great post and the information on the pricing was helpful. I will probably get a 10 palette and a 5 one, just like you did. I have to wait until November, when I go to Vegas...I hope it all stays the same until then!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Am I the only one who thinks the DS finish is less sparkly than the shine is?

BTW, I can say without a doubt that there will be no price increase. I confirmed it with Woijtek Inglot himself at The Makeup Show. They're an established brand in the EU; but not here, and have no intention of raising their US prices anywhere in the forseable (spelling?) future.

Thanks for the magnet tip on your video - it works!

KeLLSTaR said...

Great post! Gorgeous palette, pink pure pigment & wonderful swatches. Thanks for sharing! :-)

Iyah Love said...

IT looks so pigmented!! I want my own palette now :D

Dhini said...

Looks very nice colors

Brigitte Honeybee said...

i love those vibrant colours. but there isnt anywhere i can get iglot in the northeast of england :d: booo

so very jealous

BreezeyBree Blog

Vulcan_Butterfly said...

THIS STUFF LOOKS SO AWESOME!!! I wish I could get ahold of some Inglot!

Makeupluvr said...

I go to my Inglot in Miami and I pay 10 bucks for the palette and 5 dollars for each square shadow. I believe it comes out to about 63 dollars for a ten shadow palette.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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