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Monday, July 4, 2011

Inglot Field Trip!


I had a blast yesterday hanging out with the girlies, Christiana, Aina, and J.Rose (Jackie). I brought my sister along and it was nice to hang out in Newport Beach, since there was a nice breeze to go along with the hot weather. We all took a field trip to the Inglot store and had fun playing with colors!

I just got a 10 eyeshadow palette this time, and the sales gal suckered me into getting another 5 eyeshadow palette since I had some extra eyeshadows (more than the 10), because I was planning to put them in my Z-Palette, and she said it would be cheaper to just get a palette (since each eyeshadow is $7 each regardless of the quantity guideline on their website). Even though I could have gotten the 20 eyeshadow palette, I like breaking them into smaller palettes so it's easier to travel with.

I will post my haul with my swatches in the next post, but here are some pics of the store and all it's glory! The Inglot Matte eyeshadows are so buttery and amazing! I ended up making a mostly matte neutral eyeshadow palette since that's all I wear during the work week, and they are my new best friends. ;)


Mai said...

Inglot is so great, I need to visit the Newport Beach store more! Do you know if they had any news on the Rainbow Pans?

Iyah Love said...

J.Rose has red hair ^_^ i see lots of bloggers lately having red hair! SO cool!! anyway, I've been wanting an inglot palette for soooo long already!! must get one! hahahah!!

Kalmo said...

Looks like a fun trip, so nice that you took your sister and got to hang out with other bloggers. Inglot looks so nice and colorful.

Anonymous said...

I miss Inglot! It took me ages to choose out the 10 shades.
Looking forward to your swatches!

Jamilla Camel said...

I love the texture of Inglot shadows - need to get more!

B said...

I loooooove Inglot. Haven't been to one in almost a year but it is seriously thee candy store for beauty lovers.

Jackee said...

I still haven't placed an order with Inglot. I'd like to, just haven't yet! The store looks amazing. Too bad I don't have 1 close to me.

tiffyama said...

Duude, that place looks like so much fun! I've been wanting to visit it for the longest time but never got around to doing so. Can't wait to see your swatches!!

Larsen's said...

I can't wait to visit the store in Las Vegas when I go in November! In your next blog post, can you give of some prices? :)

Vulcan_Butterfly said...

SWEET! Looks like a super fun shopping trip!

Anonymous said...

I was just there yesterday. I'm in love with the store!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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