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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tarte Blushes in "Tipsy" & "Blissful"


Hello ladies! Don't these Tarte Amazonian Clay blushes ($25 each) sorta look like twins? Well I went to exchange something at Sephora last week (the same day I saw Vanessa Hudgens and her sis in the store trying on makeup!) and they sold out of "Tipsy", they only had "Blissful", so I ended up getting "Blissful", and then this past weekend I went to the Container Store in Century City and the Sephora there, had "Tipsy"! So I ended up buying that one too since I didn't have "Blissful" on me to exchange, and then I thought i'd compare them since they look almost identical to me. They come in handy mirrored compacts, which match the color of the blush inside so it definitely makes it easier to know which is which if you have more than one.

Blissful is more of a pale peachy pink that is more of a sheertone texture, where it's not dull like a matte blush, but not as shimmery as "Tipsy". It's pretty perfect for those of you that want a natural look and have light complexions (as I think it would show up more on lighter skintones to look the most natural). Tipsy is a gorgeous coral shade, it's shimmery and very pigmented and will definitely work well with any skintone and complexion because it will really shine through.

Description from Sephora website: For oily skin types, Amazonian clay minimizes oil in and around pores to balance skin and keep product in place. Those with dry skin will benefit from the clay's nourishing and hydrating properties, which naturally restore skin's moisture. Combination skin types can rely on its ability to zero in on skin concerns and deliver benefits to restore complexion harmony.

These claim to have incredible 12-hour wear, and it comes in other shades as well. So far the wear is pretty good, I will have to do an update to really know for sure, but so far so good!

Which one is my favorite? It's honestly hard to pick one because at times they almost look the same on my cheeks, I like that Blissful is more subtle, and just gives a nice wash of color, while Tipsy is nice and shimmery perfect for the summer, not to mention it seems like a very unique color. I compared these blushes to my MAC "Hipness" blush below. As you can see "Hipness" closely resembles "Blissful", except "Blissful" is more of a rosier pinkish orange compared to "Hipness", and is a tad bit more vibrant.

Blissful on my RIGHT cheek (your left) and Tips on my LEFT cheek (lipgloss is NYX "Natural"):
Pic taken with no flash, using Ottlite Makeup Mirror


Justine (Productrater) said...

Tipsy is great. And thanks for the comparisons with Hipness, I have that one and didn't realize they were so similar.

Audrey said...

Oh, wow, don't you hate when colors are slightly different but still so similar!!??? Well, they're all super pretty!

Silva said...

I love both blushes, they look really good on you!

Claudia said...

The colors look both nice on you!
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Kim said...

awww..those are really nice blushers ^^ love the colors~

Jess said...

sooo pretty!! I got the tarte amazionan blush in exposed and I really love the formula but for $25, one is enough..lol..I wanted tipsey but thanks to ur comparison post, I am glad I did not get it because I have hippness blush and they are a close enough match for me :D

The Sneakerette said...

i really want to pick up these two and 'flush'! waiting for the friends&fam sale to roll around though haha

Issa said...

ah, you look good on both blush and i love the lip color too!

fashion doctor said...

amazing blushes,look great!if you use bbcream post please review,thank you very much.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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