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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Review: Sally Hansen Crackle Nailpolishes


Product: 2 out of 5
Packaging: 3 out of 5
Quality: 1 out of 5
Overall: 2 out of 5
Where I bought it:Walmart
Price: $8.49
 Would I buy again? No

I went to Walmart last week and saw the crackle nailpolishes by Sally Hansen and since the crackle polishes are all the rage right now, I thought i'd try them out. They come in other colors as well such as black, purple, pink and more, but I only nabbed three of them, silver (Fractured Foil), white (Snow Blast), and gold (Antiqued Gold). They are around $7-8.50 depending on where you go.

I was excited to try these because all the crackle polishes I was interested in were always sold out, and I wasn't about to pay a pretty penny on eBay just to own one. However, I found these to be way too streaky in the sense they didn't "crack" the way I wanted them to, or rather the way the OPI Black Shatter crackled, (and I did let the base coat completely dry).

"Snow Blast" was the worst out of the bunch, it's a matte finish and no matter what I did, it never came out right, always came out streaky. The metallic ones fare a little better than the white one, and crackled a little bit but not as much as the OPI Black Shatter. I experimented with different base coats and colors, applying one coat, applying two, and they just never came out the way I wanted

Overall: I was so disappointed in the quality of these, considering Sally Hansen has always been known for their nail products. You bet I quickly returned these. :( I am glad there are a lot more brands coming out with their version of crackle polishes, the competition should be interesting!

The dark plum purple polish used as a base in these photos are Sally Hansen Insta-Dry nailpolish in "Uptempo Plum". And the pink nailpolish is OCC's nailpolish in "Rhythm Box".

Snow Blast (L) & Fractured Foil (R)
OPI's Black Shatter nailpolish:


BabyGirlRina said...

i had the same issue with my antique gold crackle but i also purchased cherry smash and that one made the perfectest crackles!

Amy said...

Yeah I wasn't too thrilled with my Fuchsia Pink shatter by SH, but it looks better that the three you showed. They should all be consistant. I do like the Claire's crackle polish!

Sofiamichelle said...

I definitely had a similar issue with my SH blue crackle. I found though that if you apply it thickly it crackles fine, but with OPI you don't have to put in as much effort to get the nice crackle and it's only like a dollar more compared to SH.
Thank youuu though because now I wont be buying anymore, and i had totally been eyeing the white one -_-
I wonder if China Glaze's crackles are on par with OPI...


Ahleessa said...

I was so curious about these that I bought three today. After your review, I regret getting them now... lol~

Glamatronic said...

$8.50? Really? I think Miss Sally made a mistake because people can go buy OPI for that price and it's better quality. If these were for $4 or $5 like the rest of the Sally Hansen polish then I'd try a couple of them... but not for 8.50

Anonymous said...

I returned the silver one I bought. It didn't crackle much and it covered my base color. I was too through. It costs to much to not do what it claims it does. I'm going to have to go track down the one by OPI or the China Glaze. If I can't find any of those I'll try out OPI by Sephora's Blasts to see how that measures up.

AskMeWhats said...

I have never tried these types of polishes, still thinking if I should as I like drawing my nails manually! :) thanks for sharing the swatches, they look unique!

Crazy4makeup said...

Wow so pretty look :j:

Maria said...

Last night a friend and I tried the red one out and thought it looked likee a little kid drew on our nails, rather than a crackle effect. I was annoyed with the inconsistncy.....some nails come out looking perfect and others....well, not so much. Debating return.

SashaHalimaPR said...

Yep -- that's what I thought. I heard that the Sally Hansen and China Glaze crackle polishes are pretty awful... like really, really, really awful.

Not only that, but a friend of mine bought the China Glaze one and said that it smelled awful, like something you would use in science glass to store dead animals or something.

We were both curious about the Sally Hansen and I'm really glad you posted this.

I have OPI Shatter in both silver and black and it's amazing! I'm going to wait for OPI to come out with Pink Shatter.

Do you know if there is any word on the street as to if Essie will come out with a Shatter/Crackle polish as well?


Cherry Berry ~~ said...

For me snow blast worked very well but I mean it does depend on each person right? Thanks for the review. :)


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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