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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What this slacker has been up to LOL....


I know, I know, I always promise to stay but something manages to pull me away and it's hard to maintain. Blogging is a full-time, dedicated thing. A drive I once had, and currently struggling to find the natural flow of being back into this territory. I don't even think my fingers recognize this place lol. Even though it's nessasarymakeup, I think I am slowly transitioning to other areas of my brain, so there WILL be sporadic posts of anything that comes to mind. Fashion posts, crafty posts (I will post about how I made some of my wedding stuff for you engaged gals. I couldn't post them before since I was trying to keep everything under wraps!). So you've been warned. :)

I am hoping I can stick around this time, even if not everyday, often. That's doable. I barely try to do makeup looks nowadays, usually sporting tinted moisurizer, eyeliner, mascara and some gloss which has become my "everyday look". I wouldn't be surprised if people even read this anymore, but at least it's a place for me, it's well.....home.

Well the reason this time that i've been MIA, is that I was busy planning a wedding--MINE! Given that we made mostly everything, a lot of prep work was needed in order to stay sane. I got married almost a month ago, March 25, 2012 to the love of my life and we just got back from our honeymoon in Hawaii about a week ago. So much to update on and post about, I am just trying to do things at my pace so I don't get discouraged from continuing to write here. I apologize for any questions that went unanswered. I will eventually catch up to the blogging world!

Professional wedding photos should be arriving tomorrow or sometime this week so I will do an official "wedding post" and shower it with pictures so there's proof of my absence haha. In the meantime, I know I didn't get a chance to post any of our engagement photos we took back in January, so here are just a few from our AWESOME photographer, Kevin Le Vu. Please check him out if you are looking for a photographer, he's truly talented!


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