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Friday, January 11, 2013

Review: Wet n' Wild Eyeshadow Primer


I recently went to my local Walgreens as you know from my last post and came across the display stand for the Fergie Centerstage collection by Wet n' Wild, and all my lovely Instagram ladies that have already tried this demanded I pick this up! So today I will be reviewing the eyeshadow primer from the line (and will review the lipsticks in another post). As you can see from the top pic, I stocked up! Because this stuff is awesome sauce! Don't worry, I will be doing a giveaway very soon and one lucky reader or instagram follower will receive one in their giveaway set! If you have Instagram, feel free to follow me @nessasarymakeup.

The deets:
Where I bought mine: Walgreens
Price: $4.99 (on sale)
Shade: For my primas (only shade it comes in), it's a neutral, colorless shade and blends in with the skin.

What it's supposed to do: Prevent your eyeshadows from creasing on your lids and keeping it fresh all day.

First impression: When I took off the cap, I noticed the product was just spewing out due to all the pressure in the tube (not a deal breaker), but it's definitely a waste of product because you can't control it and you can't put any of the excess back in, however I am sure once some of it is used up, this will be eliminated. There is no funky smell to it, in fact, it reminded me EXACTLY of my Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (UDPP). Same look and feel. I wore it under some Inglot eyeshadows to work when I did a brown smokey look, and 13 hours later (from the time I got ready for work at 6am until 7pm when I got home), it still looks really fresh! No creasing whatsoever! I was highly impressed considering this is probably one of the first drugstore eyeshadow primers I have really seen and it was only $4.99!

- Lots of product in the tube
- Only $4.99
- Actually prevented creasing for me and kept my eyeshadows vibrant

- Hard to find, since I believe these are Limited Edition as it is part of the Fergie Collection, that means when you run out, you most likely won't be able to re-stock.
- Too much product oozes out of the tube first few uses due to all the product pressure in the tube, but should subside once enough product is used.

Final thoughts: This is pretty amazing, and you cannot beat the price as it performs just as good, if not better, than some of the "high-end" eyeshadow primers as you can see from the pics below. I definitely recommend it if you can find it!

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Wet n' Wild Beauty-Fergie Centerstage


I love Walgreens; they always have the newest makeup displays before the other stores like CVS and sometimes Rite-Aid, and it's always so well stocked and organized. Today, I had to get cough drops and this beautiful display with Fergie on it caught my eye. It's the new Wet n' Wild Fergie Centerstage Collection.

As you can see, there are a lot of products that went into this collection! I ended up just picking up one palette, the eye primer, and a lot of lipsticks! I have not played with them yet, but enjoy the pics below, the lipsticks are super moisturizing and pigmented! The dark purple lipstick "Ferguson Crest Cabernet" is a good dupe of MAC "Rebel" lipstick, and it's only $3.49 currently at my local Walgreens!

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

L'Oreal Caresse Lip Stains (YSL Dupe?)


I have seen the new L'Oreal Displays at my local Walgreens and kept passing by them, not giving them any attention, until I started hearing about a possible YSL dupe of their Caresse lip stains on IG (I am mainly active there due to my laptop being out of commission and can only blog when I am able to borrow one lol).

I decided to buy a couple to see if I liked them, the first two I bought was "Infinite Fuchsia" (which is now one of my favorites), and "Pink Rebellion". At first I didn't like "Pink Rebellion", by itself on my bare lips did nothing for me but make my lips look shiny, however on top of a pink or purple lipstick for example, it was stunning! "Infinite Fuchsia" by itself was just gorgeous- a perfect berry shade in my opinion, and it stayed on! It stayed on TOO well that I was actually panicking on how to remove it! LOL.

I ended up loving them, so went to Target (since it's cheaper there at $7.99 a pop as opposed to Walgreens selling it at $9.99 each), and got the rest of the colors I liked (I skipped getting the paler colors). There are 12 shades total in the line, and I got 9 of them all in all: Endless Red, Stubborn Plum, Infinite Fuchsia, Everlasting Caramel, Coral Tattoo, Pink Rebellion, Berry Persistent, Rose on and on, and Eternally Nude.

***Note: Will be updating this post as soon as I do all the swatches on the lips***

These are brand spanking new on the market, so there isn't a whole lot of info on them yet, even L'Oreal doesn't have them on their website! So, I will be as detailed as I can be in this review:

Quick facts:
- The darker colors seem to stain a bit better (Endless Red, Infinite Fuchsia, and Berry Persistent)
- "Stubborn Plum" and "Pink Rebellion" almost look identical, however I liked that Pink Rebellion, looks more baby pink on my lips, almost like a nice soft lilac.
- All the colors had great staying power, even when I ran water over them numerous times.
- You definitely need an oil based makeup remover to remove these effectively.
- The wand applicator is a paddle shaped doe foot, making it easier to apply and control how much desired product you want to apply.
- To me, there is no funky annoying smell or feel, they are not drying once on your lips.

Colors I highly recommend: Endless Red, Infinite Fuchsia, Coral Tattoo, Pink Rebellion, and Berry Persistent

Colors that are nice to have: Everlasting caramel and Rose on and on

Colors to skip: Pink Perseverance and Lilac Ever After

Wear time: I wore "Pink Rebellion" to work and was able to get about 6 hours of wear, I am sure I would have been able to have gotten more wear out of it, but had lunch which made it toned down. I will update this post with a before and after pic in regards to wear as well as the other colors in the upcoming days. Since these are stains, it's hard to work quickly with them so I would have to do the swatches on the lips on separate days.

YSL Dupes? I do not own any YSL lipglosses, however, I have swatched the YSL ones at Sephora several times and I can say they do seem very similar, but these are below half the cost of ONE YSL lipgloss! I am sure you can find a comparison by another blogger online who may have both.

Overall, I highly recommend these! They are awesome stains and well worth it, especially on nights out on the town where you don't really want to spend time touching up, or if you are looking for a stain that's not drying-- these are perfect!


Wearing "Infinite Fuchsia"

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