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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MAC Casual Color Haul (Swatches)


I recently bought two of the lip and cheek pots from the "Casual Color" collection from MAC: "Out for Fun" which is a gorgeous coral color, and "Weekend Getaway", a blue mid toned pink. I personally just love these pots as a lipcolor, and not so much as a cheek color, only because I hate the dewy texture of it, BUT I do think it's great to have in your makeup bag and to be able to use it as a cheek color when you are in a rush, or have some place to go after work and need a "2 in 1".
 Wearing "Out for Fun"


Vanie✿ said...

Oh my god! I love it!!

lety_kawasaki said...

Hi Nessa! Thank you for this post - both colors look great on you! It´s funny that when I first saw the review of these on Temptalia.com, Weekend Getaway and Out for Fun were the two colors I liked the most - just the ones you picked up! I always love to see what you choose from MAC because I've got some of my favorite MAC stuff after reading your posts (like Shale and Shroom ES....I love them so much). Unfortunately, it seems the Casual Color Collection will not be sold in Mexico but I hope you continue to share with us your MAC hauls and reviews. Thanks again and hope everything is going fab for you!

neena said...

These colors are gorgeous!!! Are they more of a stain or balm? I guess what I mean to ask is, how long do they last after applying?


Anna Cubana said...

Those colours are gorgeous. They look like a lip stain and it doesn't look too clunky like some other lip colours do!

Anna Cubana said...

I love those colours. It reminds me of the Revlon lip butters that my cousin Lily reviewed on her blog.

You've also been tagged for the 11 Questions Tag! Go to this link to find out the rules! :)

Unknown said...

Hello the colors look gorgeous on you. Will they look nice on me too if I'm a bit dark-skinned? I wanted something springy or those of the coral shades but I never get the color that looks good on me. beautyincolors.com

Karen x said...

I LOVE this product.. I recently tried it out and it is fab. I'm a new follower of your blog & I've also tagged you in the 11 tag post: http://karensglossybox.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/11-questions-tag.html so please check out my blog. :) xx

Unknown said...

hello, i love these lip pots they look amazing love your blog love if you stoped by. im your new follower be great if you followed back :)

bridesbyvanessajane said...

very nice shades loved them
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blogatka said...

Beautiful color lipstick. Please write how much it cost?

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting post..and nice review about this article..this is looking awesome..You doing great job..thanks for sharing here. Photographic Make Up

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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