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Monday, July 20, 2009

I am engaged!


Yes, yes as many of you already know via Facebook and Twitter, I finally got engaged! We- as well as our families are thrilled and excited and we are definitely looking forward to a new life together as husband and wife (still feels weird to say!)

I am beyond happy right now and I want to thank everyone for their well wishes. I know I hardly blog these days with all the stuff that's going on in my life but I have not forgotten about makeup! Just hasn't been my primary focus as of late, but I do hope I can squeeze in a few posts here and there. I just want to thank you all for being so incredibly supportive, understanding, and patient throughout everything I go through in life. I am always so blessed and amazed at how many people I have talked to online, some whom I have met, and some who take the time to email or leave a comment- that are just such good, kind, and down-to-earth people. I am blessed to have friends and people in my life that bring positive outlooks and energy into my life. I still have to review some new Purely Cosmetics products im lagging on! Of course I am in the midst of preparing the most important and special day of my life- my wedding day to my one and only and I am looking forward to the journey ahead.

We have not set an official date yet, but it's looking like it's gonna be on August 21st, 2010. We wanted it to be on our ACTUAL anniversary date July 17, 2010 but unfortunately my grandparents will be out of town until early August, and since I want them to be part of it, I am changing the original date so that they are able to share it with me. :)

So how did he propose???

Well we were celebrating our 4 year anniversary in Santa Barbara like we always do because we just love it there, and in a nutshell, he had a gift for me that he told me to open, and it was a medium box that was basically in other smaller boxes (like those Russian nesting dolls where you keep opening them and they get smaller and smaller) finally it was a ring box, I open it and it was empty, and I am looking at him like "Huh??? I don't know what is going on", then he gets down on one knee and tells me how he feels and asks me to be his wife and at first I am just in utter shock; as much as the BF is a jokester, it was hard to believe he was really being serious, so I was like "Shutup! Are you serious right now!??" LOL and he was laughing and was like "Yes!" and so of course I said yes, I didn't cry until he told me that he called my dad for his blessing so everyone knew including his family before me. So of course we were calling our families and everyone was so excited and congratulated us, my dad was crying but they were happy tears!

And of course here is the ring! Princess cut, 1 carat total, .5 center stone platinum band.


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Miss Jessica T said...

Congrats Vanessa!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! I wish you both love, health and happiness!

Jennnn said...

aww congratulations nessa!!!

Hanid said...

Hi Vanessa.
I know that is the best day in your life. Best wish for you and Jon.
God Bless you always.

Anonymous said...

congratulations :)

are you filipina?!

JennBee said...

Omg, congrats girl!! Can't wait to see more beautiful pictures :)

mayaari said...

meant to say congratulations when I saw your tweet, but I forgot =T

congratulations to you and to jon! he's a very lucky man, and we're all so happy for you :)

Roxy Teacups and Couture said...


Sunshine said...

Congratulations!!! ^_^

Milan said...

Awwww. Congratulations!

Scarlett said...

Congratulations!!! :) Beautiful ring and such a precious couple!

eri said...


Jéssy said...


Anonymous said...

aaw congrats. you too look really cute together

chaborkia said...

oh my god i am sooooooo happy for you Nessa! you guys are just soo sweet, ever since i've started haunting your blog, the occasional posts about your now-husband always brought a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart. congratz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D enjoy your life together~ :D

lots of love from Ya Hui~

Anonymous said...

!!!! vanessa! congratulations to the both of you! !!!

Senna said...

Congrats! Wish the both of you a world of love.

ThePerfectScore said...

OMG That is so exciting!!!!! I wish you two the very best! May you have a long and happy marriage!

JANE said...

Look at that smile :D I'm incredibly happy for you and your fiance!! Now you will be blogging about weddings LOL! Congratulations to you both :)

The Shades Of U said...

Congrats Nessa! Very happy for you! :)

Liza! said...

Congratulations! Best wishes to you and Jon. This post made me smile. :-) Fab ring too.

Crystal Gale said...

aww that's so sweet and romantic!! I'm so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!! God bless ^_^

Roseilee said...

Congratulations!!! i'm so happy for you and you look so very happy in your pic! I wish you a wonderful future with your future hubby =)

I really love your blog!! it's filled with so many great reviews! and i can't wait to read about all your wedding preps!! I'm sure your make up would be absolutely gorgeous!

Crissy K said...

I"m so happy for you! You both deserve it. God will bless you with a happy life together. Get ready though, wedding planning is crazy keep it simple and the wedding party small (lol my best advice to you). Yay congrats again :)

yummy411 said...


Jae said...

CONGRATULATIONS! that's so exciting. best of wishes and can't wait to hear your wedding plans.

mishi x said...

awww that's so sweet i am so happy for you!!

oh btw you will be getting married on my birthday :)

Unknown said...

please go c my videos! also congrats!

Anonymous said...


Ishtar laser said...

Esther I live in Seville and I follow your blog for some time when I read how you asked to be his wife and moved me much I wish you all the happiness in the world but please update it.answers on my blog please

Petitte Poupee said...

I am so happy for you =)

ChyiX2 said...

Aaw... Nessa!

Felicitations, I'm really happy for you. I wish you all the happiness ^^

Duckie said...

Congratulations! I wish you all the best in your marriage and may you have a stronger relationship with each other.

Vk Ng said...

congratulations! i've been a silent reader on your blog for quite some time but decided to break that streak to congratulate you.
gorgeous ring, btw.
good luck with everything!

vanilla said...

awwww,marriage is a big no no for me,but his proposal sounds wonderful !congratzzz hun !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! I wish the best for the both of you!! <3

Sgbluechip said...

Hi, sorry a bit off topic here. Could you send me an email to I have an advertising company willing to place an advert on your blog. Fees will be paid upfront. Do let me know if you are keen. I hope I can contribute to your marriage fund! :)
Do indicate your blog address when you email me. Thank you!

The Beautifier said...

Heartiest Congratulations on your engagement!
May both of you have a lovely life together! xxx

(g)ezebel said...

congrats..!! i looooove princess cut diamonds. engagement looks great on you. :0) said...

Vanessa, are you okay? Haven't heard from you for a while!

Skye said...

congratz hun

Anonymous said...

First of all, congrats on your engagement. Second of all, I miss your blogs. :)

So I have a Youtube account and someone commented on one of my videos. When I went to her channel to respond, I noticed the photo she was using was actually a photo of YOU. Now I know this isn't YOUR Youtube account for many reasons, one being that I doubt you'd spell "glamour" as "glamer."

Anyway, I wanted to give you the heads up so that if you have the time you can contact her about this.

A_Flama said...

Congrats :h:

Kate Gene said...

He did a great job! The box it came in is TOO cute!


Kate Gene

Katie Hayward said...



Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Congratulations Vanessa. Both of you looks very nice.

Krystle Chelsea said...

Congratulations. I happen to come across this blog and I love how creative you made it.
Free Credit Score

Keisha said...

Congrats!! The ring looks GORGEOUS! you guys look so happy together :0)

Best wishes!

Pervaiz said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm going to keep some of these products in mind :) I have never used any of them...the thermal water looks interesting!
Natural makeup

Anonymous said...

congrats Vanessa, I wish you the best hun.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the engagement!
You have an awesome Blog!!

Unknown said...

Stop by my Blog @

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