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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

False Eyelash Recommendation & A Cyber Weirdo


Thank to Ellie, Mimi, and for all you other ladies that have given me the heads up on crazies, but apparently some weirdo has setup a blog stealing other people's pictures including Temptalia, xSparkage, and mine, obviously without any permission. Not only did she take the time to edit each and every one of the pics and making fantastic collages, she has responded to the praise from unsuspecting people as if SHE did all that work! WOW is all I can say. I think there is some sort of chemical imbalance and insecurity issue with people who do this sorta thing. It's almost like they really try to convince themselves, lol.

Anyway here is her site, so no one else is FOOLED; feel free to give her your 2 cents: http://modern.bahlog.net

Many of you asked me about some of my false eyelash recommendations, so here is a list of some of my favorite falsies (no particular order), feel free to Google 'em for pics or more info:

Upper Lashes:
- Ardell Invisiband (Babies, Scanties, Luckies, Demi Wispies)
- Ardell Fashion Lashes (#134, which are thick doll like lashes), #117 and #102 Demi Lashes
- Ardell Runway Lashes in Claudia
- Ardell Elegant Eyes in Sophisticated
- NYX Eyelashes #101 and #117
- Andrea Mod Lash #62

For outer lashes ONLY (for a more natural look):
- Ardell Accents Lashes in #301

Lower Lashes:
- Sassi Eyelashes #33


Unknown said...

Wow the nerve of that girl. I really hope someone sets her straight.

You should definitely start watermarking your pictures somewhere on your face so it won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

WTF. That's so retarded, stealing pictures and tutorials from other people. I've been a pretty quiet fan for a while, but this seriously pissed me off, because she's just stealing a lot of hard work. How stupid!

JANE said...

I can't believe the weirdo took your pictures without giving you any credit. Instead she photoshopped her blog name over YOUR pics. Wow. Seriously she's messed up. Good thing you have a lot of readers and you were given a heads up. I'm sure her blog won't last long now that you exposed her lol. And you're right, she's straightup insecure.

loveSHARA said...

WOW. Just wow.
people are stupid and don't think that they'll get caught. . sometimes, i just hate the internet.

B said...

Damn she took a bunch of your shit! I left a comment but looks like she regulates them.

im done said...

thats retarded!
who's ellie?
did u get the e-mail i emailed u about that blog.
but either way im glad u were able to check it out. what a weirdo!!!

Janet said...

I've been reading your blog for a little while but this girl stealing your work made me want to comment. I left her a comment saying something to the affect of "I thought this look was amazing!...when I saw it on NessasaryMakeup.com" She'll probably delete it but whatev, you know your readers have your back ;)
Anyway, your work is awesome. Keep on keepin' on! :)

Anonymous said...

hi beauty is androgynous, im ellie! i saw someone link that site to xsparkage on her cbox and clicked on it and noticed that ness was on there too, so i linked it on her cbox as well, as a heads up just in case she hadn't been informed!

some people are so retarded on the internet...im glad u posted her site, ness...hopefully she'll take it down now.

L said...

OH WOW!!!! That's just plain crazy! It's not that small of a world, I duno what she was thinkin' that she would get away with it cuz you're one of the biggest beauty bloggers on here. Glad u let everyone know, take care!

Unknown said...

I wrote a message on her blog... She is just lazy! No-one likes a lazy ass!!!

Keep on Trucking Ness!! I love your tutes and photos!! They inspire me!!!!

Kylie :)

Unknown said...

I wrote a message on her blog... She is just lazy! No-one likes a lazy ass!!!

Keep on Trucking Ness!! I love your tutes and photos!! They inspire me!!!!

Kylie :)

Connie De Alwis said...

I left my two cents on her blog. Some people!

P/s: thanks for the rec! I'll go off to get the Andrea lashes. I was skeptical cuz I heard of Ardell and not Andrea so I didn't buy the lash.

Unknown said...

wow, that girl has pics of your whole face up. thats unbelievable!

Kimberly said...


I can understand that copying or a mimic is the sincerest form of flattery...but sonuvaaaaaa, that's straight up booty boo boo.

all your hard work for her 10 min of NO WORK and CREDIT.

i mean on the positive you can be flattered that your work caught her eye enuff to want to use it for her own benefits and popularity, and heck this is probably the most hits she's received in months on her lil site, because of you linking.

sounds like stalker-status to me girl.

hope this ends soon, makes me wanna watermark my images now..mleh (more work for me)...

It's Called Maintenance said...

Wow I can't believe somone would go through so much trouble. Of course I can't see anything because either my work has the site blocked or it already came down but when I tried the link you posted it took me to some arabic site, then when I copied and pasted the URL text I get a message saying
"Address Not Found
Firefox can't find the server at modern.bahlog.net." Same with IE. I hope this doesn't happen again!

virus_insanity said...

It looks to me like the website is down now. I was worried that she might have stolen my pictures. I guess I should start watermarking mine too....Hard work should not be stolen.


Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Looks to me like she took EVERYTHING down! All I get is a referral to her index page, which is blank. Guess she shut up rather quickly!

Mona said...

you always look so dreamy! :)
can't wait till your dior forever review

notjustminerals said...

HI Nessa! This happened to me a couple of weeks ago too. An e-tailer used my photos without permission and used them TO SELL! I found out about it but instead the owner threatened to blog negatively about me-- turned the tables around with me as the bad guy! Good thing I got screen caps of her website as evidence before she took them down. Now I watermark all my photos too.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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