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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Lips


Happy (almost) Valentine's Day loves! Jon and I celebrated v-day last night with dinner and a movie (we watched "Just Go With It" which I was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be, and it was pretty funny), both of which we have not done in a long time, so it was nice to spend some quality time.

Jon gave me the cutest card, on the front it says "I can't control it...must hug someone now!" and inside it says "How about you?" (and he always asks for a hug!) then he wrote "6 Valentine's down and forever to go". Awww, I just can't wait to marry this man!

Since it's V-day, thought id play with NYX's round lipstick in "Chaos" and also switched it up to a softer look, using MAC lipglass in "Hush Hush Rose".


Sofia said...

U look gorgeous NEssa..[like always]

That lippie is gorgeous!!

AskMeWhats said...

Happy Valentine's Day! You look great and I agree with the comment above (like always) :D You're obviously blooming :D

xXMaNdAXx said...

Happy Valentine's day to you too!! I love your look especially the lips :) red lips always look so classy xoxo


SleepandMakeup said...

so beautiful! i love it!

Liana said...

wow gorgeous look...i love the first picture!

Beauty Bag 411

a girl named Sam said...

I don't wear red lipstick very often, but Choas is definitely going to be in my next purchase from Cherry Culture... it is just too pretty!

Siam255 said...

Card is so cute!! Love the little tree and ur fotd!! ESPECIALLY THE LIPS!!! Can you do a tut on this look pls???? ^_^

jilliandanica said...

you and jon are ADORABLE!

Laura said...

I love that tree! So cute!


emily&rosa said...

omg so pretty!!!!! I actaully did those lips for valentines lol


for the love of beauty by lara said...

looks like u got spoilt with those flowers!

love the look tooo

Glambition said...

Happy valentine's day!! Gorgeous!
Hey everyoneee checkout my blog www.loveglmabition.blogspot.com and enter my on-going contest!!!!!<3

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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