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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FOTD: A Rose Romance-esque Look


I tweaked the "A Rose Romance" look and made it more me by making it a little more vibrant, but also using the same key colors: pink, purple, and blue.

Just a quick run-down on what I used:

- MAC Prep + Prime Skin Base
- MAC Studio Tech Foundation in NC35

- MAC Beauty Powder in "Blush of Youth"

- Smashbox Photo Finish Lid Primer
- MAC e/s in "Trophy Pink" from the Antiquitease Holiday Cool Palette on lid
- Lime Crime e/s in "Empress" on contour
- MAC e/s in "Ricepaper" as highlight
- Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen
- L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara
- MAC pigment in "Mutiny" and UD Eye Pencil in "Electric" on lower lashline

- MAC "Magnetique" lipglass

I also did a little Hawaii shopping and ordered a few things online for my trip; even though it's in August, so many good deals are going on right now I just couldn't pass 'em up! So I bought a few swimsuits, since I am gonna be there for nearly 2 weeks, and I also bought some water shoes because last time my sister and I went to Hawaii we cut our feet from the coral and the jagged rocks when we went snorkeling, and since I plan on getting "rugged" this time, I thought id get a pair of water shoes, and they are actually pretty cool as they have "drain holes" at the bottom for the water, and it's made out of the wet suit material so it dries fast. No walking around with mushy, wet, squeaky shoes!

Swimsuit from Target, I don't like it as a bandeau, but it comes with a strap so you can make it into a halter....you can bet im hitting the gym hardcore now to fit in it! LOL.

From Spiegel.com

From Landsend.com

A swimsuit cover up with a hood:


And y'all know I LOVE Twilight, so I thought this was funny:

Oh how I wish this was true! LOL


Zoella. said...

Wow, your eyes look stunning. Hehe, at a glance i really did think you were stood next to him! Fab photoshopping skills :)xx

Wake up 2 Make up said...

nice look :h http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn252/cebong_ipit/templateanna/emo-girl-001.gif

Tracy Buenafe said...

you're coming to hawaii?!?!?! AHHHH!!!! :k: yayyy! what island are you planning on visiting?

Unknown said...

So pretty Nessa! I do want Mutiny pigment so badly!

Gaby Fauchon said...

I love that pink on your eyes! Really pretty!

I don't like bandeau swimsuits. I don't know, in my opinion, they suit only a little number of women (like Kate Bosworth).

~Mel said...

haha.. i'd be right there along with you and edward.. dreamy sighhhh.. love the vibrant colors girl!! =)

Shen said...

i'm so envious of your eyes, nessa! you make such wonderful looks. :) ooohhh hawaii. i think those from spiegel will look great on you. but the bandeau is definitely a must have. :) esp for busty women. :)

MakeupByRenRen said...

ohhh thanks for showing this! i added water shoes to my list for my trip to the philippines...you should check out newport news too...they have some really cute swimsuits for cheap too

KRYSTAL said...

i love that look you did! and that pic of you and edward is so cool! lol

GiGi said...

I love that your not afraid of color. Youare so pretty, & of course you have the best lip shots!

Saimese said...

Love the 2nd swimsuit & the last pic is so cute :P

Anonymous said...

loving the zoolander skit

Zerin (XinaRox) said...

You're so pretty and I am loving the vibrant colours on you! JUST SO GORGEOUS!

Nu Nu Dollie said...

That Twilight graphic made me laugh really loud. haha I love Twilight too, and mmm Edward. <3

beeyoutiful7 said...


You totally cracked me up with the last picture =p

I LOVE how you put all these pretty colors together =)

I dont think im that creative !

but thanks for sharing!

Janel said...

that's a lovely look on u! (as are all your looks)

you're so lucky to be going to hawaii! i'm hoping we can go sometime this year. those water shoes are cool! def. a must in hawaii, hehe.

those last two pics are hilarious, lol=]

miss theresa :) said...

Oh I'm going to Hawaii in August too! I've never snorkeled before but my sister and I bought a Northshore package and we get to snorkel for 2.5hrs! The shoes seems to be a good idea; am I supposed to wear them while snorkeling so if I accidentally step on coral my feet will be ok?

julianna said...

haha the Cullens boys...so funny haha

Anonymous said...

I love your look! The last picture is funny haha

aquaracer said...

wow, great photoshop skills!!! im so envious, hehe.

yay, i'm going to hawaii too (first time! but not sure what month yet, my ticket's open-date) so thanks for the links of great stuff! i like the swimsuit from spiegel (great for covering my surgery scars =/ )..and yes, time to hit the gym!! LOL

Unknown said...

Pretty! I wore teal under the lashline today too lol. But I paired it with gold/neutral shadows. Your look is gorgeous

Janelle said...

Love it! Very vibrant.

Love the bikini too. I'm working out hardcore so I can fit into my fave yellow bikini. ;D

Tracy Roa said...

Zac and I left our water shoes at his parents' place like 5 years ago. Haha. I wonder if they're still there. We got them from Payless!

BTW, I wasn't kidding when I said I'd be keeping an eye out for Rob on the Ellen show! Hahaha. Even if I don't get tickets, I'm walking over there, no joke!

Sofia said...

so pretty :D

Tracy Roa said...

I don't even think I have your number, woman! BTW, did you see this?


You should try! I don't think I'm eligible. Haha!

Melissa Joy said...

I'm going to hawaii too! 1st - 2nd week of june. Water shoes do sound useful hehe. I still need to get a swimsuit! The twilight pic is funny =)

FuN and MakeUp said...

i been searchin for a bikini too.. more like a monokini... but wit boy shorts cuz yea.. my body is not that attractive.. haha u look great nessa!!! ur makeup is always sooo hot!!

j said...

I love that lip color on you. Of course, you always look great. :)

yummy411 said...

that was hilarious!! beautiful look!! love the two one piece bathing suits!!

ectini said...

Awesome look (: What island are you planning on visiting?

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

lol @ gif!!! a hilarious... awww you a huge rob pattison fan arent you ;)

ectini said...

I'm on the Big Island lol. Not much to do here but sightsee. If you ever come here, be sure to snorkel @ Kapoho! Have fun on Oahu though! Def. hit up Waikiki and Ala Moana (; I've never been to Kauai yet; hope that's fun too (:

♥Leigh♥ said...

such a sweet look!!and that twilight stuff is hilarious bwahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

The look is awesome and so vibrant, I love it!

Lily said...

hahaha i love the last picture!!! he is a hottieeeee and so are you!

Anastasia said...

I'm thrilled that Mutiny is back for a while, it's one of the ones I've wanted but didn't want to pay premium on eBay for. I wasn't that impressed with the purples in Rose Romance, they didn't seem very vibrant. Much prefer your revamped version.

Sally said...

Haha lovely photoshop skills. I love his like ^^ and then :D.

Ms. Rodil aka Supervillain1 said...

I'm excited for you and your upcoming trip to Hawaii. Dude, it's my favorite vacation spot. What island are you going to? If you go to Oahu or Maui, I can give you some ideas of great spots for food, sites, and fun if your not familiar with these places. I go about twice a year. =) Good call on getting some decent water shoes. You and your family are gonna have a blast! =)

sssdawna said...

lol that's awesome, those twilight pics

audgepodge said...

OMG - that animated Twilight gif is hilarious! Can I borrow? :)

Cominica said...

u have an unique face and nice lips!!

those twilight pics r so funny!LOL

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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