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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies and mommies-to-be! I hope you all have a great time with mom today and let her know how much you love her! My mommy is out of state so unfortunately I can't take her out for a nice lunch, but thank goodness for iChat! LOL.

I am working today from home on a project/media kit for work so hopefully I can post later tonight!


Unknown said...

Happy mother's day Nessa!

*Big Hug*

Unknown said...

ooh cute picture and i love your dress!

Ethereal Prey said...

hey where did you get that belt from? its cute!

KRYSTAL said...

aww cute pic with your mom! i love your dress!

Katrina said...

Vanessa, thank you so much for the lovely Mothers day comment! My boyfriend tried to convince me that I dont count...I was like YES I DO COUNT! haha

You and your mother look absolutely beautiful!

♥Leigh♥ said...

Veryyy pretty! I think you look beautiful on this dress! Love the hair too!

Ahleessa said...

I love seeing people appreciate the parents they have. Cherish the time you have with them! :)

chawesome said...

your fam is blessed w/ good hair.

Rochelle Miko Rivera said...

Hi Vanessa your cbox has expired but I gave you an award

Rochelle Miko Rivera said...

You are both beautiful! Happy Mother's Day to your Mom. :-)

queen.leepsz said...

aww i love this picture of yall.
i just noticed how much you look like your dad lol. cute dress :]

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

thats your mom? omg she looks so young. i thought it was a picture of you and a friend. and yea, you ladies have nice hair.

ღ Caroline♔ said...

Vanessaaa!! you look so sweet and innocent with your neutral makeup and white dress! TOOO CUTE! i loves it! hehe and you got your good looking genes from your mama! :D

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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