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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Must-Have: Revlon Matte l/s in "Really Red"


Regarding my last post on the pepper spray, I had a few readers ask me where the BF got it from, and he got it at Sports Authority (formerly known as "Sport Chalet") but I am sure any sporting goods store shall have it. There are so many crazies in the world, gotta protect yourself!

Anyway, here is a gorgeous red lipstick that is a must-have (and it's drugstore!), not to mention very wallet-friendly! It's the Revlon Matte Lipstick in "Really Red", it's such a nice deep red that I think would complement any skin tone because it's just so pretty! And the best part, these lipsticks are under $10. (Varies from store to store, and of course state).


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I need a red lipstick.
If only my teeth were whiter ...

AskMeWhats said...

:H: this is super pretty!!!! :)

Lily said...

i've been looking for a nice red lipstick!

Anonymous said...

Great pigmentation! What a pretty colour

Cherrielantern said...

for some reason...i don't think i can pull off red lipstick...lol


♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

ahhh its a beautiful red shade!!

GiGi said...

So pretty! I'm going to try this. I'll wait for BOGO & get the Nude too. Thanks!

Grace said...

I love l'oreal's matte lipsticks.

f.y.i. walgreens carries pepperspray and walmart has the revlon matte lipsticks for $5.95ish which is the cheapest I've found out of Walgreens, Target, CVS, and Walmart.

Janelle said...

I'm in search of the perfect red lipstick for my skintone. This might be it! Thanks for the heads up, Vanessa!

KRYSTAL said...

omg i love it. im beginning to like red lips too. i have the nude attitude and pink pout already and i love em. =]

sanniet said...

wow that is RED! hehe good price too! <3 love it!

Unknown said...

very nice color! i gotta check this out for myself, i need a signature red lippie =)

Chrissy said...

I wish I had the courage to war red lippie out. That's really nice!

Rochelle Miko Rivera said...

I love Revlon MATTE LIPSTICKS TOO. You really take good pictures. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great color!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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