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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sexy Eyes and Baggy Eyes


Ingredients for powerfully sexy eye makeup:

* Black eyeliner - pencil. Ensure that it is sharp.
* Black eyeliner - brush. The thinner the liquid eyeliner is the better.
* Eye shadow brush. Thin stumpy bristles are best to maintain control.
* Dark eye shadow. Irridescent rather than flat matt (too hard), or shiny (too messy).
* Highlight shimmer for under the eyebrow. Avoid garish looking ‘high glitter’.
* A good eyebrow pencil. Try to select the most natural shade for you as possible.
* Eyelash curlers
* Black mascara. Obviously choose a quality brand to avoid clumping and ‘spider eyes’.

Step-by-step instructions for smoky cat eyes:

Apply your foundation, under eye concealer and powder.
Using your black eyeliner pencil, start from the front corner of your eyelid. Draw a soft smudge line to the end of your lash line.
Use your eyeshadow brush to apply the dark eye shadow over the top of the smudged line for a soft smoky look. Ensure that the edges are neatly blended.
Then take the brush eyeliner and apply as close to your lashes as you can on the top lid only. Make the line as thick and pronounced as you wish, but make sure that the line is thickest at the outer corner, and thinner as you go inward.
Apply another smoky coat of eye shadow with the brush to blend the harsh edges.
Subtly blend your darker eye shadow up from your lashes to your eye crease. Then apply a shimmery highlight in white or cream under the outside corner of your eyebrow.
Use your eyebrow pencil to make your eyebrow curve more pronounced.
Curl your eyelashes, then apply thin coats of mascara, building the layers up gradually to avoid clumping.

I use:

Sephora's Eyeliner Quad in "Earthly Tones"

Revlon's Bedroom Eyes Powder Eyeshadow in "Sultry Sapphire"

Revlon's Colorstay Eyeliner (always a must have! stays on for 16 hours!)

Revlon's Liquid Eyeliner in "Blackest Black"

For baggy eyes:

* Take a metal spoon and run it under cold water. Place the metal on the puffy area for at least 60 seconds.

* Apply hemorrhoid cream (look for brands that contain ingredients of yeast and shark's liver oil) to the puffy area. Insiders have known for years that in just the way it gets the swelling out of that other area, it works the same way for the face.

* Thin cucumber slices used as compresses over closed eyes will relieve sore, puffy eyes.

* A black tea bag soaked in cold water on each eye for ten minutes will reduce swelling caused by fluid retention. Gently press from inner to outer corners to hasten drainage.

* Avoid salty foods, which cause the under eye area (and the rest of your body) to hold fluid.

* Elevate your head when you sleep, to keep fluid from settling around your eyes.


s said...

Thanks nessa. I would have liked to see this with pictures though. I enjoy seeing pictures of your step by step how to's! :) Nonetheless, it sounds like a really sexy look. I'll try it tomorrow :)

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

i agree with the previous post-er. lol. i enjoy your step-by-step picture tutorials. :]

smokey eyes... always been one of my fave looks so i'm dying to try your version of it now. hehe. :]

L0Kitty said...

hey there! i read the part about clumping. the thing about that is, although it usually is better to invest in higher quality makeup, for those who are on a budget, or just couldn't imagine spending over $7 on mascara, just give it a good washing.

may sound weird, but you can. clumping is usually caused by dried mascara on the wand. so every once in a while, take the wand, and with some mild soap and warm water, clean off all the mascara, then put it back in and pump a couple of times, take it out and repeat. this should help with the clumping!

L0Kitty said...

hey there! i read the part about clumping. the thing about that is, although it usually is better to invest in higher quality makeup, for those who are on a budget, or just couldn't imagine spending over $7 on mascara, just give it a good washing.

may sound weird, but you can. clumping is usually caused by dried mascara on the wand. so every once in a while, take the wand, and with some mild soap and warm water, clean off all the mascara, then put it back in and pump a couple of times, take it out and repeat. this should help with the clumping!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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