Had my appointment with the ophthalmologist on Friday to find out once and for all what is going on with my left eye, I went to work the first part of the day so the suspense was killing me, but I wasn't really anxious (not yet anyway). I got there early, and had a friendly nurse give me a quick eye exam and had me reading the smallest line I could see (I passed, whew!), and gave me some yellow colored drops so the doctor can easily examine my eye. Waited for the doc, he came in and asked me a few questions, whether I was seeing floaters, how long this has been going on, etc. and proceeded to tell me that as we age, the vitreous (jelly part inside the eye) can pull away from the retina, when it tugs on the retina, it causes the flashes of light. He checked my eye pressure which was weird because I was used to the ones that puff air but this was a blue strobe thing that got really close to my eye, so close that I could feel it touch my lashes.
He then said he was going to put some dilating drops in my eyes so that he can see the back of my eye and that I will have trouble seeing anything near-sighted (mind you, I don't recall ever having my eyes dilated before) and told me to wait in the waiting room for 15 minutes. I was watching 'The People's Court' and it was two teenage boys arguing over a broken ipod. I was amused as I wish THAT was my biggest problem. LOL. Shortly after that, my eyes felt unusually strange and I could feel the sensation of them getting bigger, I was texting a couple of friends when I noticed I no longer could see my phone clearly, then the nurse called me back into the exam room. At this point I was anxious and my hand was shaking.
Dr. Kim then said that he thinks my retina already detached (because I told him it subsided) so he put on this nifty head contraption with a bright light and had what looked like a magnified camera lens and told me he was going to check my entire eye and instructed me to look in all directions. The right eye was first- and that was normal. Then my left eye, my problematic eye- and surprisingly he said it was normal too. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. He said there was no tear or damage to any nerves, and told me some helpful warning signs to look out for just in case. He said to see him often, because he believes that the vitreous pulling on my retina is what is causing the flash, and that this may eventually lead to a tear. The only thing I can do is to consistently get an eye exam. But I am very happy that everything is normal! He gave me some futuristic glasses and sent me on my way.
I walked out of the hospital and man the sun was bright and searing thru my lids, I quickly put the glasses on and rushed home, luckily my eyes got insanely blurry right when I got home and couldn't see much, I kept hearing my phone going off but couldn't see who it was haha. I remember saying so this is how far-sightedness feels like. The worst part was how sensitive my eyes were. Even soft light from the TV was painful. I felt like a vampire and closed all the blinds. I looked in the mirror since my eyes were so blurry I thought maybe there was gunk in there too and was shocked to see almost my entire iris was completely black. I got scared! LOL. I looked like an anime character, it was like natural circle lenses! I didn't think my pupils would be that dilated. They were also still a bit yellow from the drops the nurse put in.
Because I couldn't really do much or see much for that matter, I decided to take a nap until my eyes went back to normal, even sleeping with an eye mask. I woke up a few hours later and they were still pretty large so I went back to sleep and this morning it was back to normal. Yay! I was happy to go outside and enjoy the sunlight. And I must say, I have a greater appreciation for my vision. I do hope that the flashes go away in time, and the doc recommended I buy a good pair of polarized sunglasses, so I am on the hunt.
I hope none of you ever have any eye issues, but if you do, see your doctor asap! Even if things turn out to be normal, you won't know for sure until you get checked, and for me I wanted to nip it in the butt if something was seriously wrong, as I read stories where people waited till they had vision loss before they decided to take action (yikes!). I am just glad I have peace of mind now.
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My cool stunna shades! |
Luckily it's ok, it looks so scary!
Sounds like you went to see the doc in time! I'm glad to hear you're okay but be good to those pretty eyes and to the rest of your pretty self! And you are so adorable for taking pic of the glasses. and your iris looks ulzzang lol!
good to know tat u r fine now.take care
I hope everything turns out ok! My father-in-law just had surgery at the very end of August for what you describe (vitreous tearing off the retina) and he's still recovering months later :( Stay well!
glad you got it sorted early and didnt leave it to develop into anything more serious <3
Whoa, that looks freaky. But kinda neat, too. It's so true! You're only born with one set of eyes, it's great that you're takin' care of 'em (with your dr check-up's). By the way, I know you've been back for awhile now...but just wanted to say WELCOME BACK! I missed you while you were gone and hope you're back for good, hun =)
I'm really glad you posted about this.
I'm diabetic and I go for yearly eye exams and my optometrist always stresses the fact that I need to get my sugars in control to prevent any strain on my body, especially my eyes.
It's a relief to hear everything is fine. Did he say that the flashes will continue or will they go away?
I had my eyes dilated a year ago, but my glasses were far less futuristic :(
Glad it all checked out for you Vanessa! Eye problems are def scary because you only have one pair your entire life. I should make an eye exam soon...
Wow, that sounds really scary! I hope your eyes will improve soon.
Don't you love those freaky shades the eye doc gives you? lol!
I'm waiting on an eye doctor appointment, I'm farsighted and my reading glasses aren't helping anymore. When I talk to people I have to lean allll the way back, I look crazy! haha.
Our body helps us so much, and nothing is more important than taking care of it. :h:
I'm glad to hear everything was a-okay with you! At first I thought your dilated pupil pic was of a pair of circle lenses... scary knowing it was your actual eye! Sweet shades though :]
It's good to hear that everything is good with your eyes.
That was pretty worrisome.
Nessa! I was super worried when I read the first few paragraphs! Glad that you had it checked early and that futuristic glass actually looks cool! Keep us posted and I hope everything will continuously be OK!
you look über cool in those glasses XD
omg vanessa i'm so glad to hear your left eye is okay. i saw some of your posts regarding your eye,but i only browsed my dashboard in blogger since i don't have much time to check. anyway, glad to hear you are okay now :)
Glad to hear your eye/eyes are good! :)
oh, glad to hear that you're fine now. its so scary
Thanks ladies! I replied to some of you directly! :)
@ Rabbit- Thanks so much hon!
You should always try to get your eyes dilated during your annual checkup with the optometrist. I'm surprised to hear this is the first time you've gotten your eyes dilated. Why is it important? Because it can be an early indicator for diabetes and other complications --not JUST to check the health of your eyes. Yes, it may be annoying to have to have blurry vision for a a few hours but it is well worth the hassle.
Just thought I'd share my two cents. I am an aspiring optometrist and one thing I've learned is many people do not realize how important it is to get your eyes dilated and checked up every year. Glad to hear all is well with you though! I have been an avid reader of your blog since you started. :)
Thanks S! Yup I agree, I agree with you, and I am totally stressing the importance of getting an eye exam each year. I have not done it every year before this that's why I don't recall having them dilated before, (as I saw an ophthalmologist for the first time), when I went to an optometrist they did a regular check up on my eyes but never dilated them...
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