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Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Pretty Pink Box!


I got my 2nd pretty pink box last week and I am just loving these cute little boxes and the awesome gifts that await me inside! If you remember last year I got my first pretty pink box and I loved all the amazing samples and full-size products I received from familiar and brand new companies.

What I love about myprettypinkbox.com is that it's truly unique and allows budding companies to get their wonderful products out there to us, so that WE have the opportunity to try out their products. There's always something new in each box every month! The next box goes on sale ($11.99 not including shipping) on May 5th!

Check out Myprettypinkbox.com for more info.


Anonymous said...

i love the brush guard. very handy especially when traveling! great stuff you got.

Chrissy said...

Cool stuff for $12! I absolutely love the concept of My Pretty Pink Box, I just wish shipping would be faster here. It's what is keeping me from getting stuff! Lol.

sanniet said...

I LOVE MPPB! Linda is a genius! <3

Makeup Mama said...

you got the julie hewitt palette! I wanted to get one just cuz of that, but I figured I probably wouldn't get one of the palettes...

MakeupByRenRen said...

i've always wanted one of these! what a good deal!

Unknown said...

The pink box looks so cute!!! I'm going to check out that website and see what they have there.

Unknown said...

hey vanessa! have you tried the pencil me in eyeliners yet? i find them to be too hard and it hurts my eye. let me know how it goes for you!

MesmerEYEZing said...

Oh thanks for this info. I think it is awesome. I just bought a pack of varity size brush guards from coastal scents. Tell me what you think if them.

Unknown said...

wow!! m surprised 2 kno sumtin lik dis pinkbox.com exists!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee pink!!

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