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  • What's in my makeup box

Friday, November 21, 2008



I was happy to receive my pretty pink box from Linda over at myprettypinkbox.com!

So what IS IT exactly? It's a cute decent-sized box full of samples (some are even more than a sample size, and some may be a full-size sample) from various companies giving YOU the opportunity to try out different products and companies. They have different samples each month, and it's selected at random. (CLICK HERE to see some of the cosmetic and skincare companies that are joining in the fun!)

It's a great way to try different things without committing to a product that may not work for you.

I do not know how much the boxes are, but you can definitely get more information on the website and even submit your email for a reminder for next month's box. So check it out!


AskMeWhats said...

ohhh I wish we have that kind of "promo" here...I do know they have it something like that in Singapore :) I wish the Philippines would get the point and do it too :)

Unknown said...

So jealous! This little box is an awesome idea!!!!! I would've loved to receive one!!!

Shame I don't live in the US.

Kylie :)

MakeupByRenRen said...

looks like fun! i love samples!

Ethereal Prey said...

hee hee everyone likes samples of stuff! cute box! though i wonder how much it costs.

Brittany K said...

I ordered one of these too. I was most excited about the gift certificates. I was hoping I'd get something but Jesse's Girl because I love their stuff, but sadly, I didn't. I thought that the Purely Cosmetics things were nice though.

Vivi said...

what a great idea! are you going to do a post about all the samples that you get and how you like them?

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I see me in the upper right hand corner!

The price on the box varies from month to month just as who's inside. I did a post about it being like Woot's Bag of Crap, but for girls earlier this month. The box sold out in under 2 hours, so make sure for Dec you're at the computer at 7am sharp!

kae said...

thanks for the info about the camera settings!

MakeUpBlog said...

i like the idea, going to visit there website :D

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Ethereal Prey -
They're very inexpensive. Last month was $11.99 plus shipping, I think. It's always under $15 or so. Just my stuff alone was over the cost of the box!

lovemakeup said...

Don't you just LOVE receiving goods in the mail??
I LOVE it. It's an addiction. AHHAHAHAH


Laetitia said...

wow loove this box!! but how much you buy it?

Anonymous said...

wow what a lovely box! I also want that here in Holland! just jealous!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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