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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Urban Decay Friends & Family Sale! 11/10-11/18


Thanks to sgDrugstore as well for the heads up!


Anonymous said...

No more shopping for me -_-;;; They are seriously trying to stimulate the economy, lol

FuN and MakeUp said...

wut will u be gettin from there?

xJUDYx said...

oh man! one more shopping spree wont hurt right? lol

im done said...

lol omggggggggg
haha i passed up the sephora friends n fam one.
when one goes another comes.
ud is so great but i wouldn't know what i'd want to get.

Érica - Kika said...

I´m from brazil and i looveee your blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

How will i ever save up for Black Friday??? SOooo Tempting!!! i really want the pop up palette. u can never go wrong w/ UD

Unknown said...

hi vanessa! did you make a new youtube account called makeup678? if not then someone took your photos.....just letting you know~

Elisa said...

Thank you for the heads up... but at the same time...


lol :P

B said...

This is only for their website?

veraMAC said...

yay yay yay!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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