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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eye Makeup Application Areas


I get a TON of questions on what areas of the eye are what, where to apply certain colors, etc. Like where to contour the eye or what the Outer-V is, so I created an "eye map" of where to apply your eyeshadow(s). "All over the lid" is obviously all over the lid, you might hear "brow bone" that is also the same as highlight. For me, MY crease is the top of where my eyeball naturally sits, not the actual crease. Which is why sometimes I will call it "contour", because you are creating depth in your eye to make it larger or place the eyeshadow color deeper in this area to bring it out more.

I hope this helps you out, I also included an actual eye pic with various colors so you can see EXACTLY where they should be placed...

*Note this doesn't have to be done everytime (makeup wise), you can do one color as your lid color for something simple, or make it more intricate. This is just a map of the various areas of the eye to help you when you read "apply on outer-V", you now know where it should go!


sweetchic said...

Thank you Vanessa, so so sooooooooooo much! I really needed this! Did you get my emails I sent you a ton LOL??

I had a feeling that maybe I was annoying you, :( sorry, I don't mean to so obsessive. It's just you are so pretty and I tried to launch a blog like yours and failed miserbaly. I wanted to feature your site on my blog saying how cute your style is and how much I really love your personality, it shines through everytime!

Have fun blogging, keep safe!

Quick Request??

Can you do a green smoky eyes tutorial for me, I have searched through and I can't seem to find one that one suit me! I love pink lips if you can do something like that!

You go girl, hope you and your bf are great

Love Celeste xxx

Buddie4Eva :)

nia said...


thanks for the eye-chart. very dummy friendly. read: dummy = me. hehe!

enjoy reading ur blog, keep up the good work :D


Anonymous said...

I love the diagram you made! This helped so much. I've been on a lot of make up tip websites and they never use diagrams to show what they mean. By the way, the make up used in the second picture is so pretty. I am going to try to copy that on myself.

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kae said...

very helpful :) what is the tealish color in the second pic? it's really pretty!

also i was reading your sidebar thing and you're an nc37?! i am too (when matched up to my exact face color, but i use nc40 because my neck is darker) but you seem much lighter than me! hahah

Jaclyn Rose said...

awesome! thank you for this!

kawaiikao said...

i love the eye diagram!! and goshh i can't wait to see twilight too!! AHHH! i'm trying to win those premiere tickets from kiisfm :[

and i sent you a thank you thing in the mail the other day :] just a small thank you for the sana stuff and the other little goodies :] the brush kinda sucks though but the purple is quite nice :]

mimi said...

thank you for this! this really helps!

fuzkittie said...

Cool diagram!! :D Too bad for me the I can't do contouring without looking weird, because my lids are puffy and have no dimension.

Ethereal Prey said...

awesome! thanks for the picture diagram! if i send you a pic of my eye can you point out where my stuff is? :P

im done said...

kudos to the diagram i like!

Anonymous said...

That's super helpful!

I call the contour color, eyesocket color, lol. Not everyone has a crease, but everyone has an eyesocket!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the diagram :) your last pic color combo is really pretty!:) i've stopped experimenting with colors lately because i'm so freaking lazy..hahaha

Anonymous said...

i like how helpful you are. haha this is really cool. sometimes it's hard to find where to apply color, you can watch all you want but everyone has different eye shapes, but it definitely helps when you have something this detailed. thanks!

ainstein said...

i get confused when they say crease cos i always think its the actual crease they're talking about... now i know the difference haha

this is so helpful! thanks ness =)

FuN and MakeUp said...

thats a lot of colors together.. so pretty.. i dont think i can do that.. but ima try !

Connie De Alwis said...

Very clear diagram! Thanks!

Ai said...

aaww thnx a lot for the eye map! really helpful :) have a great day Vanessa!

MakeupByRenRen said...

that's a great diagram! i was thinking of doing something similar when I do makeup lessons to show people what i'm talking crease isn't really my crease either cause I always take it above to make my eyes bigger, he he

sab said...

wow! thanks a lot! this is sooo helpful! i was actually wondering where all the colors go, but i was too shy to ask,. hehe

Jana-Mais que Bonitas said...

perfect vanessa!!!Thanks a lot!!!xoxo

madeup said...

i love this look, its beautiful

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

OMG - this is so perfect! I even Twittered it, LOL.

I so need this post on my website - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Fabuless Beauty said...

Thanks for this! This is great for an eyeshadow newbie like me.

A. said...

Thanks for the diagrams!

MzUnicaHija19 said...

This is such a BIG help for me as well, Thank you-Thank you very much!

Patricia said...

Aaaaaw, I see now. I always want to try using 2 totally differnt colors without smoking it out too much but with my "almond" shaped eyes i can't just put color on my lid 'cause then no one would see it! Thanks for the visual!

Aída said...

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. It really helps

Creative1k said...

Thanx Nessa,

I have been trying to get some or anybody to hook me up with a chart so that I can perfect my look.

Jamie said...

Now that is a comprehensive chart - thank you. I have looked on sophisticated makeup sites such as Revlon but very litle information provided, then i found this. Invaluable - thank you!

Unknown said...

this is very helpful! good job.

Bernadette Villanueva said...

Great help especially on the actual pic, now I know how exactly to follow eye make up tutorials =) First time here, and I love your site. Will follow you. =)

Much love,

Unknown said...

Vanessa, I love the way you broke down the eye shadow area, just makes it so easy to explain and understand! keep up the informative posts!
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Unknown said...

I cant express how useful that picture and the explanation is, it is sometimes so difficult to explain to people the various areas that we need to understand for different looks now i can just refer them to this page!


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Unknown said...

Nice post Vanessa. My daughter likes to practice putting make up on with online makeup games. Its a harmless way for her to practice different styles. I found some good ones here:


Unknown said...

That diagram was cool! Thanks for sharing! I did find this video about creating the "smokey eye" look. Plus, I really like the music...

E"liz"abeth said...

Hey Vanessa, I just happened upon your blog, and saw that you are a make-up guru. I really enjoy this post! It's very informative and idiot-proof. :]

I was wondering if you've ever tried mark. make-up?

Anonymous said...

I really like the colors of the shadows .. I love ... and also they are easy to apply.
Thanks for the info.

Caroline White

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Anonymous said...

I really like the colors of the shadows .. I love ... and also they are easy to apply.
Thanks for the info. :h:

Caroline White

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Unknown said...

Thanks, this is so helpful :D

makemeover said...

Very helpful. Thanks!

Pervaiz said...

my family like your blog. Thanks for giving such useful information about Eye Makeup Application Areas.
Thanks sister

Anonymous said...

That's a great guide. Thanks for that. I do have trouble sometimes breaking out of my normal "on color on the eyelid" routine.

C-FABulous Makeup said...

Following! Please follow me. Great blog!! =)

Ellie said...

Wow love this - the colors are great! Will reference this again soon!

Have you tried Bliss Fat Girl Slim before?

Ashley*Nicole said...

Great Tip!
-Ashley Nicole

Unknown said...

this is what u call make up ,,, is so nice

angelprincess said...

Very good tips!!Check out my makeup! Http://

Laura said...

wow! What a beautiful look! I am wondering if I could do all that even with the chart! You are spectacular!

Sarah Stiletto said...

Great great great post!!! Thank-you.
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Anonymous said...

Wow that eye look is incredible! Thanks for the inspiration! And for more makeup tips, feel free to visit!

Anonymous said...

great picture and the way you illustrate it with some labels.
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Anonymous said...

great post, this is so helpful !!

Linde'xx said...

This is really helpful! Would you mind if I show this on my blog? I will mention your blog of course!
Please let me know, Linde.

PS: I am certainly a new follower!

Yucel said...

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Tess said...

Very helpful, thank you!

Jane Stevens said...

I must say, your blog is awesome!
I love this article, illustration of the Eye Makeup Application Areas is the best thing for correct showing of applying shadows on eyes.
Well done job!

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Mazi said...

Applying eyeshadows takes a lot of time for me.. thanks for this amazing tips. I will try to follow these steps and hopefully, I won't get late on work!!
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:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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