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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Product Review: Mandom Gatsby Black Mega Scrub


Product: 3.5 out of 5
Packaging: 5 out of 5
Overall: 3.5 out of 5
Would I buy again? Yes
Price: Got it on sale for $3, but usually around $5-7. Bought it at a tiny Asian store in Diamond Bar (forgot the name) but also available on Ohayo.com, or Marukai. I also found it HERE.

This scrub falls under the men's skincare line, but I like it regardless, and it's gentle enough for us gals (at least in my opinion), and I know some of you already tried men's facial scrubs before, so this is just another to try!

What it does: Removes dirt and oil from pores with comfortable scrubs. Contains Charcoal powder and three scrubs made of charcoal, different in size, shape, and touch. Leaves your skin refresh after wash. Keeps your skin clean and helps prevent acne. Aqua note scent. Preservative free.

Take a generous amount onto palm (about 2cm) and create fine foam. Massage through face and rinse well with water. Do not shake the container.

- Has a minty-citrus sort of a scent
- Gives a nice cool, refreshing sensation on you face, similar to that of the Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Wash
- I love how it's black and has tiny scrubbing beads that exfoliate the face and help slough off dead skin cells
- Pretty big tube for the price and has a lot of product, better than dealing with messy jars
- Consistency is the same as many facial washes with the beads

- Left my face with a tight feeling, almost dry, but I follow-up with moisturizer so it's not so bad

Overall? It's a pretty good product for the price, it's not the best scrub out there I am sure, but it's decent and great for traveling. I like the cooling sensation it gives, leaving your face nice and clean.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Winter Ready


I love Christmas and I love the "winter", despite the fact that winter ceases to exist here in Cali, but I fondly remember white Christmases with my family when I was younger, blankets of snow, the smell of apple and cinnamon, and my mom cooking and baking up a storm in the kitchen.

So for me, I always look forward to the end of the year- the holidays. And shopping for the winter season was no exception! This is the first year I won't be going to New York for my job, but nonetheless it's going to be COLD in Washington when I go visit my parents and sisters for Christmas. Last time the BF and I were there, we went to Seattle Center and my face was frozen because it was so cold! Even though mom says that 55-60 degrees is warm to them. Go fig.

I bought these two jackets recently, the cream/white one from Wetseal (I think it's pretty new since it's not on their website) for around $40, and the black peacoat from Forever21. I was looking for a good peacoat since last year but never found one I liked, or at least one that was in my price range. This peacoat was only $45 which is a good deal considering it doesn't get that cold here in California.

I like the cream/white one because you can wear it two different ways and it's very light. I also love the big round black buttons on it. The peacoat is the perfect length (ends at my knees), and since I am fairly tall, it fits nicely and accommodates my long arms and isn't tight in the back which is a common problem I have in jackets which is why I usually wear a large when it comes to jackets, but I got a small this time. It's also great to wear with boots.

FYI, I don't really spend a lot on clothes because I only wear things a few times before it gets lost in my closet or it goes to my sister, unless I REALLY, REALLY like something, then I will spend a pretty penny on it. But those are extremely rare occasions. Truth be told, I am a BARGAIN shopper. I LOVE shopping for bargains and I don't care what anyone says, I live within my means. Even if I was filthy rich, my ass is STILL shopping at Target and Wal-Mart. Especially with the economy now, it's insane to spend frivolously.

The BF also got me a clutch from the Gap since we have a casual wedding to go to next month, it's super cute, it has frills on the side, and the clutch has this wiring so it stays open when you open it.

And this was my outfit of the day (yesterday), the top is also from Forever 21, $13.

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Not Ohio...Ohayo! This is the store that I was telling y'all about, this is where I got the Mandom Makeup Remover for around $10-11. They have a lot of the things you see on Sasa.com, but essentially it's more expensive than Sasa.com, but at least you have it in your hands already. They also have Tiffa and other Asian makeup brands. Someone asked me what the ingredients are for the makeup remover, but of course it's written in Japanese so I couldn't tell you! Ohayo is located in the Puente Hills Mall, please see store hours and address below.

OHAYO USA is one of the most renowned Japanese and Asian products and electronics retailers in the Southern California. Our reputation is built on being known as the specialist on unique Japanese/Asian products such as Japanese major cosemtics, skin care products, tablewares and many Asian imported products. A part of our mission is to educate the customer about all aspects of our products and to provide them the best quality combined with the best possible service, at the best possible price.

Main Store Location
1600 S Azusa Ave #248
City of Industry, CA 91748
(Inside of Puente Hills Mall)
(626) 935-0442

M-F: 10am-9pm
Sat: 10am-8pm
Sun: 11am-6pm

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Product Review: Makeup Removers


Until now, I have always removed my makeup by simply washing my face and using makeup removing wipes such as the Neutrogena Facial Wipes or MAC wipes, and even though I still like using them when it comes to traveling or for a quick fix or pick me up, I really like how makeup removers thoroughly cleans your face or your eye makeup without leaving smudges or a little eyeliner or mascara left over.

I didn't like the Oil-Free Neutrogena makeup remover, as much as it says "oil-free", it's not, you can totally see the oil through the bottle and it left my face feeling all greasy. I am really glad I found these two, they work for me and I really don't see me trying anything else ever again!

I recently ordered Scinic Lip & Eye Makeup Remover from Sasa.com, it was only $8.20 so I figured id try it out, I admit I was skeptical at first because it had oils such as olive and macadamia, and I usually hate makeup removers with oil due to the greasy yucky feeling afterwards, but I wanted a makeup remover to try and the design of the bottle actually appealed to me.

I tried it for the first time a few nights ago and I LOVE IT! Even though it's oily at first, it's not OVERLY oily to where you have to wash your face right after (at least in my opinion), and when it dries, it just moisturizes your skin at the same time (think the oil cleansing method). The innovating pump is mess-free which makes it a breeze to take off your makeup; simply use a cotton ball or a cotton wipe and push down on the pump to release the liquid, and remove like normal.

I recently was using the Mandom Beauty Cleansing Express Sebum Makeup Remover which I also love because it seriously FEELS like water, but it can remove makeup like no other! No joke, there is NO OILY RESIDUE at all with the Mandom Makeup remover (Pink and Anne use and love this as well!) They have two or three different kinds I believe (I forgot what the others were), but I got the Sebum one for those with acne or oily skin, and I just got it to prevent any oily build up as I figured this one had no oils in it and help prevent acne. I got it from a Japanese store called "Ohayo", they also have a website Ohayousa.com, I will write about this store in an upcoming post, but they sell A LOT of Japanese products, however, it's A LOT pricier than Sasa.com, but unfortunately I don't think they sell this on Sasa.com (I checked and didn't find it), but you can pretty much find it I am sure in Japanese or Korean beauty stores, markets, etc. I got it for $10 but the website is selling it for $13.99.

So which one do I like better? I actually like to switch them around and use them intermittently. I like the Mandom one when it comes to cleaning up makeup mistakes or if I am starting over on a FOTD because it's like water, so it doesn't leave me with ANY oily residue- it's AMAZING. I also like to use it to clean up smudges of eyeliner left around my eyes after I get out of the shower. I like the Scinic one when it comes to hard-to-remove makeup like the Mehron Aqua Palettes, the MAC Longwear Lip Colors that are super hard to remove, or to painlessly remove false eyelashes. Makeup removal is quick and easy with BOTH of them.

Also, in case you are wondering what the quilted pads are that I used, it's the Swisspers Quilted Cotton Squares from Wal-Mart. I love them because they have more surface area to work with (rather than using 10 cotton balls in one sitting!), and also because it doesn't shed like cotton balls do, which makes it great for removing eye makeup and nail polish so the hairs don't get all over the place.

Removes everything! Eyes, face, lips!

Mandom Makeup Remover

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Product Review: SANA Pore Putty from Sasa.com


Finally! My review on this...sorry it took so long, so many things get put on the backburner because there's so much going on at once. Today the BF is taking me to the LA County fair for the 2nd time, we first went when it first opened, and now he wants to go again since this is the last weekend it'll be open. Besides, how can I pass up all those sweets they sell over there?!??

Right now I am in good spirits, my allergies have been just terrible the past 3 days, (the weather, fresh cut grass, pollen, dust), and my family is going through some crazy times right now, so it's been a rough and crazy week, but God gives me nothing I can't handle.

I know some of you have emailed me with questions on your own troll lurking on your blogs, just be strong, you can't be offended by a stranger, and like Eleanor Roosevelt eloquently said it, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". There's too many good and genuine people in this world that make up more than enough for that one bad apple. People who only have negative things to say try to mold you into what they want you to be, or they try to mold themselves secretly, of what they WISH they could be; they become obsessed with someone else's life but their own. Just gotta be happy end enjoy life while you can, regardless of the people that try to throw you off track. Simply smile and say "thanks for the page hit". :)

You know what they say, "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".

Product: 2 out of 5
Packaging: 3 out of 5
Overall: 2 out of 5
Available on: Sasa.com
Price: I think it was around $5-$6
Would I buy again? NO

What it is: It's like a tinted makeup primer for your face that you apply before your foundation.

- I am kinda iffy on the stick applicator, I like it because I am sure you can get tons of product in the bottle with it as oppose to typical applicators, but it seems like it's more prone to bacteria and dirt that way
- It's cheap

- Not widely available in the US, it's an Asian brand so you can definitely find it if you go to a Japanese beauty store, but it's available on Sasa.com and most of these products are cheaper to get online
- It smells almost like old glue to me
- It is super thick and pastey and it feels really gross on your face, on top of that it made my face look whitish-yellow

Overall? I have tried many primers that I am happy with so I think i'll just stick with what works. The pore putty felt like I was putting glue on my face for an upcoming art project. It was so thick and it felt really gross on, it's been sitting in my drawer for months now because I hate it. So if anyone wants it, let me know!

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Friday, September 26, 2008



3 days only...SEPTEMBER 26th to 28th.

And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my parents...27 years of marriage! DAMN!

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UDPP vs. Too Faced Shadow Insurance



- $16 at Sephora
- Has a doe-foot wand for application
- Nude eye base that increases the wear of eyeshadows and makes them crease-proof
- Stayed remarkable well one me after 9 hours

- The genie-shaped bottle makes it hard to access additional product, so you have to cut the bottle in half to scoop out the rest of the product
- 0.34 oz

Too Faced Shadow Insurance

- Squeeze-tube bottle for easier access of the product, also no product is wasted because of their packaging
- 0.35 oz. a bit bigger than UDPP
- $17 at Sephora
- Don't need a lot of product to cover your entire lid

- Silicone based, so those of you allergic to dimethicone, silicone, etc. may not like this
- Creased on me after 9 hours

Lids: Dry, not oily.

Eyeshadows used: MAC e/s in "Cumulus", and MAC e/s in "Carbon"

Experiment: TFSI on the RIGHT eye, UDPP on the LEFT eye. Apply makeup like normal, go to work, have lunch in the sun, go home and see which one held up better. I applied the same amount of each product on both lids, nothing else applied on the lids before I applied these eyeshadow primers.

Overall? I like UDPP a lot better than TFSI. There was very minimal creasing, and it held up pretty well throughout the day considering I was also in the heat. It was also pretty vibrant in color whereas the eye with TFSI looked more faded. I know many of you like TFSI over UDPP, and I thought I would too, but when I took pictures of each eye when I got home 9 hours later, it was apparent which held up better. TFSI creased A LOT, as you can probably see in the picture, with UDPP still looks pretty good after 9 hours.

I definitely give UDPP 2 thumbs up! p.s. Hi Juli from the Bay Area!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Product Review: Clean & Clear Blackhead Eraser


This thing was staring at me for months whenever I went into a store and I never got it because I don't have any blackheads, (but occasionally I do get whiteheads), and didn't really want to spend $16 for it given that I don't have blackheads! But after seeing Tracy's review and how she mentioned it makes a great exfoliator- it made me wanna try it myself since I was in need of one.

I know RiceBunny uses a toothbrush, but I wanted something with more surface area and this little gadget is the perfect size and conforms well to your hand so it's very easy to use. I have had a dry and rough chin for a few weeks due to the weather and the skin was very uneven and blotchy; i've been using this for just a few days and my skin after the first use was already noticeably smoother and more supple. I also noticed how even my skin felt and looked, my chin seriously feels like a baby's bottom! I am DEFINITELY IMPRESSED!

I have NOT tried the wave so I don't know how they compare, but Tracy definitely compares the two on her review on it so check it out. Frankly I like that this has a little bit more oomph (acne fighting part) rather than the wave so it's a plus for me.

Product: 5 out of 5
Packaging: 5 out of 5
Quality: 5 out of 5
Overall: 5 out of 5
Price: $16-17, any 'mart' store or drugstores
Comes with: 20-pack refill pads which contain the blackhead serum, and a battery

How you use it: Place the pad onto the device which is held together by velcro, wet your face or the pad (the device is waterproof, I use mine in the shower), turn on the vibrations, then in circular, upward motions do your entire face or areas that are have or are prone to blackheads to reveal smoother, clearer skin.

- Very small and convenient, which makes it perfect to use anywhere, even for traveling
- Easy to use
- Requires a battery that you can replace, and not a built in one so you can use it over and over again
- Comes with 20 pack pads containing acne fighting ingredients as well such as salicylic acid to control and treat acne and blackeads
- They also sell refill packs in 20 (sold separately), so when you are done with your pack you can buy them for $5.99
- Immediate results! My skin is so much more softer and even.

- None that I can think of!

Would I buy it again? Yes, at least I only have to buy the refills, but like I said, it makes an AWESOME facial exfoliator, so even if you do not have blackheads, it's great for cell turn over (sloughing off dead skin cells), to reveal more radiant and smoother skin.

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Video & Tutorial: Using Anastasia Brow Products


I did a quick tutorial on using the Anastasia Brow Filler Wand (pictured), and I did a video using most of her products such as the Brow Pen I did a review on recently; just basic ways of applying some of her products as I know some of you had questions on specifically the brow pen marker. It's very easy to use once you get the hang of it.

I don't like my brows too thin, but this is just the general idea on using some of her products of course you can just tweak it to how you normally do your brows- there's no right or wrong way! I have tons of product reviews in upcoming posts so bare with me!

I also made sure to add some extra lip smacking loving in the video! :)

Diagram below is from Hollycosmetics.com

A- Lay the pencil against the outside of your nose in a straight vertical line past the inner corner of the eye, with the tip of the pencil reaching up and onto the brow bone. Lift the pencil from the bottom until the pencil tip makes a dot where your eyebrow should begin (point A).

B - Use the pencil again and this time, start at the bottom of your nose and position the pencil in an 45 degree angle across the iris of your eye reaching up and onto the brow bone. Lift the pencil up from the bottom until the tip makes a dot where your eyebrow arch (highest point) should be.

C - Using the pencil again, this time start at the bottom of your nose and position the pencil in a 45 degree angle that reaches across the outside corner of your eye reaching up and onto the brow bone. Lift the pencil up from the bottom until the tip makes a dot where your eyebrow should end. (point C)

D-This is the plane line, so keep it in mind during your product application. Your eyebrow should start and end on the same plane (except for the bulb).

Can fill in brows with the Brow Tint Pen:

Anastasia's Brow Filler Wand

Powder is inside the cap:

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

AVON Lippies


Pink gives me empowerment and courage. I love you chica bonita, she is one bad ass bitch and she is so amazingly sweet at the same time. I just wanted to say hello to Pink because I just thought of her and her honesty...definitely a woman of wisdom! LOL.

Here are some Avon lippies I recently got, I actually got an entire haul, oil absorbing sheets, cuticle oil, etc. but was too lazy to take a pic of it all since most of you already use that stuff...but let me know if you are interested in me reviewing any of them. I got "Classic Nude" and "Vintage Vamp" (they have a lipgloss also called "Vintage Vamp" which I also got too but didn't take a pic of).

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