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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tutorial: How to apply pigments wet using a sponge-tip applicator


I have received a request for this from Stephanie as well as a few others so here's a tutorial on it. The trick is to not use a lot of the mixing medium (which is glycerin and water), don't saturate the sponge-tip applicator this prevents clumps of the pigment onto your lid. Also tap off any excess pigment you grab with your applicator and gradually build it to your desired intensity. I wipe the sponge-tip applicator on my hand after I apply a drop of the mixing medium to get rid of any excess mixing medium, don't use a tissue or a paper towel because that just absorbs it from the applicator and you're going to have to apply another drop.

Why do I use sponge-tip applicators to apply pigments? Because personally it gives me better control of the pigment as well as giving me incredible and vibrant color. Using a brush doesn't give me the control I need because it's not as firm and compact and doesn't absorb much mixing medium therefore I don't get the intensity I want because the pigments end up "flying" all over my eye or face. Just think of using a broom(the makeup brush) to sweep the floor (your eye), some of the dust (pigment) gets pushed to the side and the floor is still dusty, but if you use a wet swiffer (sponge tip applicator), it cleans the floor up in one shot so the floor is spotless and completely clean, so your eye has full on color. Like my analogy? LOL.

I used MAC's Mixing Medium, water-based is good enough and safe for the eyes. For the colors used in this tutorial, I used Pure Luxe's "Sour Apple" and MAC's Pigment in "Violet".

Make your own homemade mixing medium by CLICKING HERE.

Then apply other colors to complete the look (apply them dry or wet)


fuzkittie said...

Nessa! That is so professional *kudos*

The Shades Of U said...

Amazing, beautiful green Nessa! I never thought of using sponge tip applicators for pigments. I might have to try that sometime. I'm missing you too! I will be texting you when I haul my ass back to CA. =D

josephine siu said...

I've been trying this lately, and I love the results! Using brushes to "pack on" the color gets frustrating.. even with a mixing medium! I'm going to have to go pick up some more sponge tip applicators, because we all know how much I love pigments, haha (:

Anonymous said...

I've never used a sponge tip applicator for pigments, but I will definitely try it now. Thanks for the tutorial.

Stephanie T said...

Thank you. That is a perfect tutorial!

im done said...

I like using sponge tips sometimes as well. It does give better control.

Blog Sale NYC said...

How neat is that. I will try that as soon as I make my medium.

Anastasia said...

Since making my mixing medium, I use it for EVERYTHING. I basically turn my pigments and loose powder shadow into paint (I'm an artist =D) and paint my lids - way easier for me that way, since it's a technique I'm used to.

If I make it too wet, I find it helps to dust a little of the pigment dry over the top, to help me blend better.

Anonymous said...

oh, so that's how you do it..:) hehehe, you never cease to amaze me with your techniques!:)

oh and by the way,i'll be back here in cali :) don't worry..haha

Unknown said...

this is a great way to apply em! thanks so much!

Jennifer @ said...

I always wondered how u would get such a smooth vibrant application from your pigments.

Thanks for sharing :D

Tracy Roa said...

Great tutorial! I haven't used sponge applicators in a long time, so I just might have to pick up a pack now. Thanks!

Lani said...

that so reminds me of your mermaid eye look from a while back. sponge tip applicators are the best! ;) they can really give you what brushes don't. and yes i loved the analogy! lol

Starry x2 night said...

Holy...!!! That is really awesome! I'm hunting out my sponge brushes right now to try it!

Thanks for the detailed and professional review!

AskMeWhats said...

that's why yours came out so bright and vivid! I love the colors!!! Thanks for the tip! :) so useful!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I guess it's unanomous that we've all forgotten about sponge tips! Hmmm... this gives me an idea....

Nessa - be checking your mailbox soon! Testing time ahead!

sab said...

oh wow! i love the color combination! i am so making my own mixing medium! thanks to you!

Crystal Gale said...

Thanx Nessa for this easy to follow tutorial and for answering my questions (thru email) helped a lot..I'l definitely try using sponge tip applicators for my MMU pigments now hehe =D

Emilita said...

You look so sweet in dorksta's video below! and thanks for posting this easy foiling tutorial, I am definitely going to try it out.

Connie De Alwis said...

Thanks for the tip! I've always been using a synthetic brush to use pigments wet and I hate how it look so streaky and the harsh lines are even more distinct. Your method looks much more seamless. I'll definitely give that a try.

Unknown said...

it's your signature look!!

tokyostargirl said...

I have steered far away from sponge tip applicators ever since I discovered the beauty of brushes! Thanks for the great idea on why it would work better in this case. =)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

gorgeous sis! those sponge tips are always good for something!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is such a help as usual! Nice color combo too.

Camilla said...

hmm i might start using sponge applicators again after seeing your tut :] but so far im swollen after surgery so instead of makeup i use huge sunglasses lol

oh and i wanted to say now i see everything on your blog, i have no idea why it wasnt workin before... now works in firefox and in ie

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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