Yesterday was the release date of "The Originals" which features re-premotes of popular items, most specifically, the most talked about, sought out eyeshadow, "Parrot". This eyeshadow surfaced in forums awhile back and it has always triggered my interest because I was like it can't be THAT gorgeous....searched for it on eBay and no one was selling it, then I found out it was being released with the originals, so I just had to see for myself! I didn't like too much out of this collection as I thought I would, I went with fellow blogger Anne to the MAC store to check out the new goodies, and the lipsticks were a bit too sheer for my taste. The lipglasses are gorgeous, but didn't get any this time...I also saw my girl Chas there too! :)

It's a gorgeous color, but seriously, it's not to die you can see below, it bares an UNCANNY resemblance to my Covergirl eyeshadow in "Aqua Paradise". However, I ended up buying two because I thought they were gonna sell out fast, etc. so if anyone is interested in buying the other one, let me know.

I was going to get eyeshadows "Memorabilia" and "Alum", but noticed that "Nocturnelle" is very similar to "Memorabilia", and "Alum" looks very similar to "Cumulus" from the Blue Storm collection, however when I got home, cumulus looked a bit more silver, so I might just go back and get "Alum", as it's a darker grey compared to cumulus. I also picked up "Satellite Dreams" refill, and stocked up on "Soft Flame" beauty powder since it's LE (Limited Edition), and of course, "Golden Olive" Pigment which is just gorgeous!

Picked up more NYX eyeshadows in "Aquamarine", and the other one didn't have an overall name, I just remember "Ocean" was one of the colors...

NYX Chrome Eyeshadows:

Random Pics of the growing collection, speaking of which I am SELLING Metal-X Eyeshadow in "Cyber" (silver one), for $16 including shipping, only used ONCE.

And I am also SELLING some leftover pigment in the actual jar, there's about 35-40% in each one, almost halfway, enough to last a long time as a little goes a long way! $10 including shipping.


Lemme know if any of y'all are interested, it's on a first come first serve basis. I am also offering samples of "Soft Flame" beauty powder for $5 each including shipping.
Hi Nessa!
I'd love to buy that jar of Violet pigment, and also a sample of Soft Flame. Can you ship these items to Sweden? :)
Do you know of any colors similar to Golden Olive?
I am soooo getting parrot today...just in case it goes extinct again...kinda sad right, lol?
you use soft flame as a blush right? and do you use your ladyship as a shadow, a highlight, on your cheeks? i'm debating on getting those two.
thanks girl!
hi vannessa this jennifer again, im intrested on ur violet pigment n beauty powder sample! pls contact me?
It was so funny running into you yesterday. Omg.. I'm so tired of shopping for once. I'm hoping today I finish everyone. Cant wait to see you next week!
Yeah I've been ambivalent about Parrot too, especially since I don't really wear bright eyeshadows that much anymore. I still have a barely touched Waternymph eyeshadow from the MAC Lure collection in 2006. I may grab a Parrot for my sister in law eventually. Perhaps one for myself if I think I'll regret it. For some reason, it's not on sale yet on the Canadian MAC website. :-/
You know, It's so funny, I think I saw one of the ABB girls at my local freestanding MAC yesterday too, but I just recognized her face :P Can't wait for you to show us some Parrot looks!
How's the color payoff for the Covergirl e/s'?
They look exactly the same in that photo.
Alienman- The color payoff is pretty good, I actually use it a lot in my teal looks and it's just as gorgeous if not more than parrot. It is eerily similar which makes me believe that is probably the same for other mac eyeshadows, where you can find some awesome dupes. Seriously the covergirl on is awesome!
hey! I have the nyx trio in aquamarine too! plz do a look! i have no idea how to use this trio! zomg! You're so tempting me i wanna buy more piggys!!!! I don't get the hype around parrot either. but thanks for the dupe cover girl shadow...hee hee...are u gonna do a look with parrot too? look at me just rambling...happy holidays!
i miss you! it's not the same here at work. i'm uberly bored to death. anyways... i forgot to tell you yesterday i wanna sample some pigments too since i'm still iffy about using them. iunno if you're still selling samples and stuff. anyways... we gotta go again soon. but for now the credit card has to rest since it cant be swiped too often. i'm continually seeing damages in my credit card as i input them in my spreadsheet. heartbreaking lol.
anyways hope to see/talk to you soon!!
im interested in buying the mac your ladyship and the violet pigment my email address is thank you :)
Hey Vanessa!
I bought into the Parrot hype and picked one up yesterday :) It's really pretty!
I love the photo of all your pigments - you have so many! I'm super scared of them; I feel like I'd make a total mess. Maybe you've got some pointers for me on how to use them? I'd really appreciate it!
:) Lilan
Do you have a swatch of cyber? I'd definitely be interested in buying if it's super silvery/shiny - thanks!
Thanks for that Covergirl Dupe. I think I'll be picking that one up. LOL. :D I want to get that NYX trio that has the color "Ocean" in it because I was eyeing the single eyeshadow in ocean... but I figure getting the trio makes more sense, plus the other colors in the trio are pretty too. :D Have you seen NYX's Wildfire? It looks so pretty... LOL. I wanted to swatch it but wasn't able to. LOL.
Hi there!
First, your blog is awesome! Everyday I need to go check it ;)
How about a post on e/s of NYX Trio that are dupes of MAC e/s? Just like you told us that "Frosted Lilac" is a dupe for "Beautiful Iris"!
I can only see the colors of yhe NYX on their websites & the swatches are really no good!!!
Thanks ;)
Sarah- Similar colors as in eyeshadows? NYX? (For golden olive pigment)
Ren Ren- I use soft flame as a blush or over a powder blush, your ladyship I use as an all over lid color, highlight, mix with my moisturizer for a little glow, you can pretty much use it for anything!
Brittni, a swatch of cyber can be found here:
Oh hmm. I kinda like it. I just bought plain silver though, so do you really think it's that much shinier? Hard for me to tell with the no light pic. :oP
Also - I love that CG dupe. I actually think it's prettier as it's a bit more shimmery/colorful than the MAC one... Is it just a normal single eyeshadow? I definitely need to pick it up!
Brittni- It's not like super shiny to me, I mean it's shiny but it's not like astronaut/aluminum shiny haha if that makes sense. It's like a normal shimmery silver, yet subtle at the same time. If you type in "Metal-X" on the search box on this site, you will find the original post about Metal-X eyeshadows and I also show a pic of it with FLASH so you can see the difference.
And yes the CG is a single eyeshadow.
Hey vanessa!
i saw your swatch of mac parrot and CG's aqua paradise. I have the CG one and for some reason it looks just plain green rather than the more aqua blue you have there. Do you think i got a fauly one..? because i looks so much more green. like, dingy emerald green in the package and on my skin.
thank you!
~SnuggleBunny (ABB)
Hey Vanessa!!
I was wanting to get some of the Beauty powder...but kind of a lack of ideas to use it for...other than on the face with foundation or highlight. Any other uses?
Jamie- The beauty powders make awesome blushes and eyeshadows as well!
nice haul love. and the nyx trios look really pretty.
do u still have that parrot shadow i would love to buy....:(
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