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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

FOTD: Earth Day!


Here was my Earth Day FOTD, using Ben Nye's "Chartreuse", Pure Luxe's "Venom", MAC "Humid" eyeshadow, and of course "Bio Green". I also used a little bit of Ben Nye's "Sun Yellow" and "Aztec Gold" washed over the inner corners...

I will be doing a look using the Ben Nye Palette, so stay tuned!

What I used:


- MAC Fix+ Spray
- Monistat Chafing Gel as primer
- MAC StudioFinish Concealer NC30
- Pure Luxe Foundation in "Warm Honey"
- MAC Sculpt & Shape Powder in Accentuate and Sculpt on cheek bones to contour

- MAC "Hipness" Blush
- EDM "Waffle Cone"

Eyes: (all applied DRY)

- Urban Decay Primer Potion
- Ben Nye (BN) e/s in "Aztec Gold" and a little "Sun Yellow" applied on the inner corners of the eyes
- BN's e/s in "Chartreuse" on inner half of the lid
- MAC "Bio Green" on the middle of the lid blended with "Chartreuse"
- Pure Luxe's e/s in "Venom" 3/4 of the lid (near outer half)
- MAC "Humid" e/s applied on outer-V and contour
- ULTA "Gold Leaf" as highlight
- Milani Color Brilliance Eye Pencil in Green on lower lashline
- MAC Fluidline in "Nightfish"
- L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara


- MAC l/s in "Masque" (LE from "Alexander McQueen Collection)
- MAC l/g in "Bonus Beat"


christy kimchee. said...

I LOVE IT :D I love green green greennnn. This reminds me sort of like an Adam & Eve -ish thing. Wonderful job :D

Anonymous said...

Great site :)

Stephanie said...

do you know if ben nye products are cruelty-free? it might say on the packaging itself maybe. it's proven kinda hard to find info on this brand (and a ton of others!) online. thanks!

na said...

Shoot, I totally did not realize today was Earth Day! Gorgeous look, as always. Greens look so good on you!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

The greens are just beautiful!! and i love lips as well.. so glad to see your using bonus beat, thats the only l/g i got from that collection haha.

XPPINKXX said...

love the look its money baby....think green!

MakeupByRenRen said...

gorgeous! i love the nude lip paired with it...you're definitely going "green" for earth day ;)

Hessah said...

that is so beautiful!

Can't wait till your BN FOTD :)

BeautyTalk said...

I love green too. Pretty! :)

mandilicious said...

i love green!..it always brings out brown eyes!..Happy Earth Day!

Melissa Joy said...

wow! so pretty I love it! venom and humid are on my wishlist now!

ilurvemakeup said...

Hey did you color your hair??? It looks different in these pics :o I'm starting to like green, but with purple lol I've done a few BN looks already, they are so fab, I lurve them :)

Anonymous said...

wow the green really suits you!
I have to confess I came across your site accidentally a few days ago, and I've been back every day!
I love your colour combinations, very inspiring!


TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Wow great look!

yummy411 said...

great green fotd per usual ;)

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Jessica Rabbit for the win!

Anonymous said...

Green looks amaaaazing with your eyes...they look so bright! Have you tried any of the new Sally Hansen Carmindy makeup yet? It looks promising...although I can't find it around here yet.

Anonymous said...

in your picture close-up of the (mainly pure luxe) pigments that you use frequently, what are the names of the two next to fantasy which aren't from pureluxe? they look soo pretty! thanks!

Vanessa said...

thanks ladies!

Tiffany- thanks! Green is just a gorgeous color isn't it? I have seen the sally hansen new line and the packaging is cute but havent tried them yet...

B- they are from T123 minerals (adorned with grace) "black raspberry" and "blue indigo" she doesn't have a store yet she is at the testing phase of her minerals and I was a tester...

Anonymous said...

i love your site! it's so informative and very thorough with each product you review! keep it up! and you look lovely with those vibrant green eyes! Do you use any primer for your eyeshadows? no matter what i do, my eyelids end up greasy and creasing my eyeshadows. im hopeless!

Anonymous said...

ugh I love it! Green is my fave color and you rock it so hard! Keep doing what you do vanessa! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey the green looks fantastic!! i use the monistat stuff as a primer too and i LOVE it!!

Bliss said...

Oooo Gorgeous in Green , you look fabulous and your eyes simply pop :D

Anonymous said...

thank you vanessa and that "b" was me, btw, lol finger/mouse slipped and deleted my name i guess

PLEASE share with us when she opens! They look gorgeous!

(g)ezebel said...

woah. i LOOOOOVE this green look. love love love!!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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