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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reader Questions


I think I am done with traveling for awhile...I am a bit exhausted, but I am just glad to be home. We flew back in last night and I still have yet to unpack and do laundry.

We ate at Jollibee! Gotta love their chicken!

I have had a few reader questions while I was gone and I thought id make a post about them so I don't sound like a broken record (as people often ask me the same questions), and also for you ANONYMOUS readers who leave comments, PLEASE, PLEASE leave your email or somewhere where I can contact you because I don't know where to reply to since many of you have been leaving questions on older posts....THANKS!

Q:Your teeth are so white! What do you use?

A: I use Crest WhiteStrips, which I lovvvvve! They are better than the Aquafresh Trays in my opinion. I use them twice a week, 30 minutes each time.

Q: Do you know the expiration of mac shadesticks? I mean if its already 1 year,is it harder to apply or just the same?? Thanks

A: I don't really know the expiration of MAC Shadesticks, I know they last longer than most things especially because they have a cap to it and prevents any bacteria from really lingering onto it. As long as you constantly cap it and rub a few layers off before each use, they will last until you are just done with it and of course shouldn't be hard in texture to apply. I notice that when I use my shadesticks I rub a few layers on the top of my WARM hand which makes it a lot softer and easier to use.

Q: Hi Vanessa, have you ever done any reviews on the Loreal HIP due eyeshadows?

A: I haven't done a formal review, but I have tried them and they are okay, I just don't own any because I pretty much have all those colors already in other brands...but they are pigmented.

Q: Hi Vanessa! Love your site! Where do you get your Milani shadows??? I cannot find them anywhere near where I live...I did not hear good things about Best Beauty online.

A: It's hard for me to really say where I got it from to people who don't live in states that don't have a Target or a CVS simply because that's where I get all my Milani products from (both NEW AND OLD)as they are easily available here. The Target by my house sells both the old single Milani eyeshadows as well as the new wet/dry ones. Kmart also has them but the one by me only sells the new products and NOT the old ones. I have bought things from www.bestbeautyonline.com and I received all my items, although it took forever to be shipped.

Q: Vanessa, where do you generally put your depotted NYX single eye shadows? I really want to depot them, but need some ideas for where to put them in after I depoted them. Thanks!

A: I don't depot any of my NYX Single Eyeshadows, I keep them in the same pot (as they are square shaped), the NYX TRIO eyeshadows however you can depot, and you can find a tutorial of it I did awhile ago, by CLICKING HERE (INCLUDES PICTURES).

Q: Can you show us a look for senior prom please? =)

A: Haha, I never went to prom, so what kind of a look did you have in mind? Knowing me I would match my dress, so let me know what sorta look you are going for and I can see what I come up with! :)


Arianne said...

It's so unfair, we don't have Jollibee in Canada. *sobs*
BTW I love your blog :)

Jessica said...

I just want to say that I live in West Virginia which is probably the least glamorous of all the states and I've been lucky enough to find Milani products at K-Mart, of all places! Also, there's a Martin's Grocery Store about 20 minutes from my house that has Milani products - so, to the reader who was asking where to buy these items, just keep checking unexpected places and you might get lucky!

Now, if only I could get lucky and find a store that sells a variety of NYX products! The only place I've been able to find them is at some little hole-in-the-wall, low end beauty supply store...and I REALLY mean low end, like the kind of beauty supply store that sells knock-off "Coach" and "Gucci" purses. Unfortunately, their selection is extremely limited, and I know that you can order NYX online, but I'd rather be able to see the shadows in person before plunking down the cash! Oh well! Guess I'll have to keep looking!

Vanessa said...

Hi Arianne! Thanks for reading! Isn't Jollibee just so delicious!??? I too am a fellow Canadian! So nice to meet other Canadians! HEHE..

Thanks Jessica for the heads up! I too have seen them at K-Mart, but the K-Mart by my house now only sells the newer products... darn!

watercoloursky said...

fried chicken is always good :) though I prefer KFC myself :P

Tracy Roa said...

welcome back! =) ooh, jollibee. i actually haven't tried the ones out here. i love the burgers i had in PI, but when i went to the ones here, they didn't have them =(.

it's too bad you never went to prom. i was on the committee, so obviously, i went. haha. maybe i should do a flashback post about it.

SFxSP said...

Jollibee - Yumm!! I love their spaghetti!

How was the SF weather? It was pretty cold the first part of the week, but it was so gorgeous last weekend. I hope you had fun regardless of the weather. =)

Anonymous said...

i see that you use crest whitestrips. what do you do after you take the strips out of your mouth? i used it a few years back and i remember taking them out and i still have the whitening gel on my teeth and i rinse my mouth. am i supposed to do that?

you can email me the answer @ lilaznsweet@hotmail.com

Nicole said...

I've never heard of this Jollibee! That picture has me intrigued though :)

I have some HIP eye shadows and I don't really love them myself. They are just "okay" as you described them. I rarely take them out to use!

Anonymous said...

I've just started getting into the makeup game and I must say I LOVE the l'oreal hip shadows! My current favorite is the "spirited" concentrated shadow duo. Right now they are BOGO at CVS.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I have found the entire Milani line at a KMart near me. I couldn't find it at Target, Walgreens, ect. but KMart had it! Maybe you can update your post with the information. It took me forever to find it!

stylishmomy said...

Jollibee ...now i want fried chickens! lol I love it =)

Nessa, glad you're back =) by the way are you still using your sculpt/shape duo??

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

oo chicken craving hehe.. we dont have jollibee but we hae kfc!! glad you mentioned crest cos ive just purchased some :D

nilla cookie said...

Awesome Q&A's Vanessa! We have Jollibee here in SF too, but I have yet to try it! I guess when I go, I gotta get the chicken, yes?? ;)

Anonymous said...

wow Chickenjoy! haha, delish!

what variant of Crest Whitestrips you use? i am intrigued to try this one! :D me also thinks you got pearly white teeth! :)

Unknown said...

hi! you're blog has me intrigued! now im addicted to it as well.. kudos on the awesome reviews and what not..by the way are you of Fil descent? i love Jollibee too btw!- jazz

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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