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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ColorOn Professional Instant Eyeshadow


I originally wrote about this innovative product a few months ago, you can see the original article HERE.

I recently had the opportunity to try the Warmer Set from, ColorOn Professional, which included 2 pairs-Ibiza (neutral brown), 2 pairs-Sunset Beach (coral), and 1-Envy (green). Also comes with a tiny brush and setting powder to set your makeup.

Description: Eyeshadow applicators, just stick, peel off, and voila! You have makeup on your eyes- dazzling! Our debut product, colorOn Professional Instant Eye Shadow Applicators, can make anyone look as if they have a make-up artist on call. A patented, revolutionary application technology, colorOn Professional is so easy, fast and fun to use that it appeals to everyone, from the makeup junkie to the makeup artist to the makeup-averse. Imagine pillowy-soft disposable applicators already laden with mineral cosmetic eye shadows in colors and designs ranging from subtle daytime to smoldering evening looks, created to suit every skin tone and ethnicity.

These are single-use, hygienic, hypoallergenic applicators that require no makeup skills, no brushes or secondary applicators. Imagine an eye shadow that is waterproof, crease-proof, and long-wearing that transfers to the eyelid with just a touch. The result is nothing short of amazing: A professional, flawless look every time.

Product Overall: 2 out of 5
Price: $18-$30 a box

My Experience: It's a VERY interesting concept, I mean there are many of us, myself included who have days where I am running late and don't have time to really sit there and do my makeup, blend, and all that good stuff. So it's a cool idea to have something that you can just apply in a few seconds, blend, and you're done. It was especially fun to do as well BUT I personally enjoy sitting there and blending, coming up with different looks, etc.

Consistency: Cream-based.

PROS: Great for people who are on the go, or gals who are not the best at makeup application but still want something quick and easy.

CONS: Even after you apply it, you still have to fix it. You have to blend the colors yourself so that it doesn't show the grid of the paper, you have to apply the setting powder that is included, AND it doesn't fit all eye shapes at least from what I could see. As you will see in these pictures, it took up my whole entire lid!

Overall: I think i'll stick to the normal way of applying makeup, since it's a lot of fun for me, I can produce more looks and various combinations. This is a cool idea, but you really gotta work with it which means more time wasted.

What I chose, "Sunset Beach":

Clean face! Lipstick is NYX's Round Lipstick in "Sunflower"

Apply the applicator on my eye like so...

With your other hand, use your finger to rub it on your lid back and forth, press firmly to ensure you get an even amount of color:

Do the other eye!

Blend and get rid of the "paper marks" and apply the setting powder included. Since it's a creamy eyeshadow (but not overly creamy that it's sliding), just dab on the setting powder all over your lid to avoid it from creasing and coming off...

Finished Eye:

Finished Face: (I didn't put any eyeliner or mascara so that it's much easier to see the color and detail)


yuck said...

is there any way that the eyeshadow sticker thing would go on the other way around? like upside down? perhaps it could have worked out that way?

Vanessa said...

Hi Courtney! Well each one has instructions and the sticker itself is an oblong shape so no matter which way you turn it, it still doesn't fit my eye right...

Anonymous said...

Hi vanessa
I just love ur blog. Recently started visiting. U showed me tht expensive makeup need not be neccessary. Thanks bcoz sometime i feel ysl dior and chanel are such a rip off.
Personally i didnt like it. How many shadows the box have


XPPINKXX said...

wow this is super cool...the innovations they think about these days!

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Sis, you're gorgeous even without color. I think that I like it more though when you do your own makeup, hah. This looks great still, but I think you've just spoiled me with YOUR way of doing your eyes.

Tracy Roa said...

great review! don't think i'd buy it, though. hehe. i prefer doing it myself, also. the looks you come up with are better, anyway. =)

Tanya said...

Interesting concept, for sure. But I think I'm going to pass on this and stick to the old school way of putting on eye shadow :) You're so nice for plauing the guinea pig on this one! ;D

ilurvemakeup said...

Eww I don't like it! You'd be better off applying it yourself Nessa, the stickers don't have your skillorz!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I definitely think these suck. I could tell from your original post that they would... not to mention if you go to their site the color schemes are ridiculous - and not in a good way! LOL

By the way, loved the candylicious eyes....sooo pretty

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

I prefer your lovely colors and blending more.. btw the lip color is very pretty on you!

MsLanie said...

When I read your first post, I was wondering when you will do an update on this product. I'm so glad you did a review on this thing. Really helpful! I visited the website but I wasn't interested in trying some because the eye colors or looks just did not look tempting at all. It's good to read your review! Thanks!

Vanessa said...

Thanks ladies! I agree, I prefer putting eyeshadow myself, it's funner that way!

Sarah- Thank you so much! Each box comes with 5 pairs.

Anonymous said...

thats a very intresting idea, where did you get it from, i tried to look on ebay doesnt seem to have made it on there yet...(since im in uk more difficult to get us makeup lol)...thanks Anz

Vanessa said...

Annika, I posted the website in this post with all the info, it was sent to me by one of the reps to try it out.

Alison Beach said...

Enh, not a fan. You're right, it's more fun to do it all yourself!

Ethereal Prey said...

this is definitely a strange thing, not sure it would work for me though, but it's fun to watch others play with it! :P

Anonymous said...

those look so convenient! thanks for the review, i'll be trying those out soon!

and thanks SO MUCH for your reply to my comment yesterday. (the one about society, the pretty =/= beautiful thing, and that survey.)

you are my savior when it comes to makeup! - end corniness. -

MrsDiaz said...

Hey Girly,
I definitely think when you do your own eyes it comes out soo much better, and vibrant!

I'm working the 22nd actually, how about the 23rd or 24th?

Ginny said...

those are crazy cool and weird at the same time... they look good tho. i was showing the girls at work and they were very interested = )

Shizznizzle said...

my eyes has a weird shape for a start, so i don't think this will work on me :D you looked awesome with an eyepatch on your eye !!! sounds weird but you rocked it heheh

AskMeWhats said...

wow! thanks for this post, I didn't even know such thing exists :) But seeing the pictures, honestly, just based on pictures, it doesn't look bad, for a quick eyeshadow make up!!! but the others are right, there are eyes that are different and smaller, like mine, it would be quite difficult to use i think for me

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa! When I first saw this product, I wasn't convinced it would actually save time. Your post confirmed my suspicions! :P

I'm going to start using the Physicians Formula Tinted Moisturizer soon. I note from your previous post that your recommend using a wedge sponge to apply the product. Do you mean I should squeeze the product onto the sponge and then dab all over my face? Or that I should dab a few spots on my face and then use the sponge to blend? Thanks for your help!

Valencia said...

i love your blog! thanks for posting. your natural non-eyeshadow face is really cute. :)

Anonymous said...

i thought the shadows were supposed to go on darker shade nearest lashline and lighter shade towards browbone.... the simple look.... but i think it looks cute the way you applied it mind you.. a little blending towards the top would be better..
anyways i love your eye looks but as a monolid.. i can't... i just can;t... =(

Anonymous said...

i was just going by the picture on the box...

psychoexgirlfriend said...

Wow, this worked better than I thought it would. I'd still stick to applying makeup the old fashion way, but this is surprising... not all that bad. LOL. Thanks for the review on this product.

Anonymous said...

I have ALWAYS wondered if these worked!

Those colours are nice but I'm not sure if I could wear such a bright colour all the way up to my brow bone! LOL

Thank you for the post :)

Anonymous said...

Were they put on upside down? I think they would look much better flipped, like this picture: http://www.coloronpro.com/products/large/sunset-beach1.jpg

Vanessa said...

anonymous- if you look on the homepage the warmer pack second pic the darker color is on top of the sticker so don't think there's really a right or wrong way...

MakeupByRenRen said...

hmmm interesting...i think i prefer to do makeup myself as well...because the sticker color would go past my eyebrow! i think the concept could work eventually...with a little more work...but quick eyemakeup can also be done in 2 minutes...the time it takes to apply, blend and set the sticker...oh well! i love all the nifty products you try out!

Bliss said...

This is so cool and it foolproof :)

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

It's not my thing but it is an interesting product, thanks for doing the review Vanessa!

Now stick to applying your makeup the 'old fashion' way... yours is so much more fun!

stylishmomy said...

Hi Nessa, saw this item last year, interesting but not anymore lol. Unique but cant beat the traditional way of putting ur e/s yourself =) Thanks for posting a review, stay gorgeous!

L said...

I had JUST posted this in the forum and then visited my fellow blog'sistas.... u are on point with the new stuff girl! thanks for the review! i, too, thought it was a very interesting concept!!!

Shayela H. said...

Oh my goodness, with or without makeup you are STUNNING! :) i'm really glad I came across this blog, your techniques are fantastic and actually make me want to try crazy eyeshadow!

Vanessa said...

Xinita- You're gross. :)

Asa said...

LOVE that lip color so friggin much

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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