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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

FOTD: Honey Brown


Yay! My site is almost done!! I am hoping it will be launched, the MOST 3 weeks (hey a girl's gotta sleep too! LOL), but I am really proud of it and I can't wait till we launch!

I just absolutely love the Urban Decay Palette, it's just so rich in color and I love the smooth texture of these eyeshadows!

I woke up late today so I was in a rush and wanted something easy, so I decided to use "Honey" from the palette on my lid, then took Milani's "Java Bean" and "Chocolate" on the outer half of the lid. And that was it! (Don't mind the eyebrows they are gonna be waxed soon! LOL)

What I used:

- Monistat Chafing Gel
- MAC StudioFinish Concealer NC30
- Maybelline Liquid Mineral Foundation
- Silk Naturals Mineral Foundation


- MAC "Strata" Blush
- EDM "Weekend Getaway" Blush


- Urban Decay Primer Potion (UDPP)
- Urban Decay "Honey" Eyeshadow all over the lid
- Milani "Java Bean" and "Chocolate" on outer half of the lid
- Nixie Liquid Eyeliner
- L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara
- Nobi Kohl Eyeliner on waterline

- NYX Round Lipstick in "Circe"
- MAC "Bonus Beat" Lipglass


Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

pretty pretty. :) can't wait to see the new site! :)

B said...

Myyy sis...you are totally rockin' the gold. Lovin' it!

Xuanie said...

love the look! i was thinking about one of the UD palettes, but still not sure, i dont want something too shimmery.

priincesspeach said...

Pooh Bear, Whinny the Pooh Bear! That's what this look reminds me of ^_^. Very cute!

Psalm 23 said...

hey girl,
love all colors of shadow on you. I especially love wearing the colours you have on now when I'm in a rush. Actually when I'm really running late I just use satin taupe in the crease with some lighter colour all over lide, liner and I'm out the door. Yah!

Anyways I had a question. I always have problems wearing MAC lipglass. After a while I get this line of grossness on my lip...I 'm thinking my lips are just too dry. Do you get that??

Anonymous said...

I love it! BTW have you tried katie b's primer called the ulti-matte? I was just wondering if it's good or not. I'm looking to wear it under my mineral foundation. if you can give a review about that, that would be great! thank you! :)

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

The gold really accentuates your eyes. Gorg, hun!

Anonymous said...

I luv the simple combo you always look fabulous grl. =)

I also have the UD deluxe and shadow box palette. I luv them both although I haven't tried many of the colors yet including the Honey one. lol.
I'm a really simple makeup person and I really don't have much time in the morning so I only use on color eyeshadow most often with liner and mascara for the eyes; blush and lipgloss and off i go. hehe. =)

yummy411 said...

great gold! i've been lusting after that palette and need to finally get it! i'm putting together a sephora list and that palette is number 1!

standupforme said...

I love this look!
You look great.

ilurvemakeup said...

Love the look :)

What no sneak peak of the new site!?! ANO BA!!!!

MrsDiaz said...

Ohh..love it..and so simple!

Anonymous said...

that's gorgeous!

btw do you have any idea whether the MAC pigments sold at ebay are genuine or fake?

how do i learn to find out the originality?


ilovecheese said...

Hi Nessa, the colours are gorgeous! I can't wait to try this look..can we please see a mini tut just for this look?

Vi Anne said...

This is one of my favorite looks on you. It looks very very nice. :) One day I will look as fabulous as you. Oh, I tagged you bout the hair stuff. :)

Zin said...

Hi sis Ness, I've been reading your blog everyday since I bumped to it on Google...And I can't use words to say how much I adore you, hehe...

I'm SOOOOO looking forward to seeing your new site!!!

ShakeupYourMakeup! said...

Wow!! Golds and browns are my favorite, and let me say they looks absolutely beautiful on you! I love when you do the bright colors, but your eyes just popped with the golds on! Great colors!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

oh pretty, the gold and brown go so well together! i'm going to be busting out my UD palette too!

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

What a pretty look!
You're gorgeous as always Vanessa!!
The Milani eye colour names are making me hungry hehe Java Bean and Chocolate... Mmmmm.

Tanya said...

Very pretty!!! I love the UD Deluxe palette, I loved it so much for myself I bought it for 2 other friends! It's so versatile and worth every penny :)

Bliss said...

This is such a Gorgeous FOTD,im so loving the Honey eyeshadow and the colour combo made your eyes popped. I gotta get an Urban Decay Palette :D.

Vanessa said...

Awww thanks ladies! Y'all are so sweet!

Intoxicated- You can google about eBay MAC items, most of them are FAKE, I don't recommend it.

ILovecheese- Yes I can do one, it's a really simple look, just honey all over the lid and the other two Milani shades on the outer half of the lid.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

the colors are gorgeous on you! and yay i actually have Honey e/s! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

will you please post you pics with expandable viewing at 1600x1200 res.

Vanessa said...

Hi Anonymous, I will soon I dont know how its going to work out as I am still building my new site. So right now its as is.

watercoloursky said...

ooh FINALLY today my browser is allowing me to click the links on your page! :S don't know what was going on but even on another computer it wouldn't work for me.

I saw the UD palette yesterday and it looks so good! the colours you used look great too :) man, I really want it after seeing you and Nic Nic use it but I should wait til I go to the US where it'll be cheaper.

I have a question - I'm lemming Pink Pearl from Heatherette, and am wondering if the pink eyeshadow in the UD palette is similar or somepletely different? I forgot to swatch that colour when I was at Sephora yesterday :(

Unknown said...

The post is giving information about the makeup collection and the shades available. Know all about it
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