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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!


I am one of those procrastinators who tried to find a Halloween costume at the last minute, I went to like 3 different Halloween stores and it was like a zoo, so I said forget it and left. For one thing, Halloween has never been my thing, I never was into the parties or dressing up, I was always the one giving out the candy. So I didn't want to spend money on something I was only going to wear for one day, so I ended up putting something together at home. I did my pinup look only because it was easy to do rather than anything else, and at least it's wearable when I get off from work.

I wore a dress which looked like a ruffle top and a high waisted skirt, 2 separate pieces, but it was one whole dress, I got it awhile ago I think from Charlotte Russe. We have a contest at work (winner gets $100 AMEX card) but I already know it's going to one of the guy's because theirs was actually pretty good!

My co-worker Simon was a communist General from back in the day, so his costume complimented mine and we actually looked like husband and wife in that era, LOL. My other co-worker Tony was scarface and Kyle was Jackie Moon from Semi-Pro.

Hope you are all having an awesome Halloween! I already ate like how many pieces of candy, I am already jumping off the walls!

Being silly!

I am waiting for him when he comes back from war, LOL

My inspiration:

Eating a jolly rancher!

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Adoring Carmine...and sleep!


I came home yesterday to find a lovely little black box- it was my MAC Adoring Carmine Rose Lips set! Then I took a nice long nap! LOL. Gosh sleep feels so good!

The lipsticks (both Glaze): Romancin' & To Swoon For & the lipglass is Delicate Crush.

Using the green eyeshadow from the UK Palette (with MAC Humid) & Romancin' lipstick:

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Reader Questions:


This week has been insanely busy. I am preparing my company to go to NY for a show (luckily we are on rotation so I am not going this year), so it's been busy at work trying to get everything finalized; so sorry there was no post today...it might be like that this week until I am caught up with everything. Sleep has also been lacking from my life, I run on 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night which of course isn't good, even though my body is used to it. I want to start getting back into the habit of going to bed around 10 or at least 11 at night, but it's hard! It feels like there aren't enough hours in the day for me and lately it's been taking a toll. I haven't had time to do anything other than eat, take a shower, blog, work, and repeat the process. LOL

Anyway I received a lot of reader questions from recent posts so here they are!

Q: What brand is that dazzle dust? (The post with the UK palette)
A: It's by a makeup brand called Collection 2000. I have tried searching online for more information about this brand, but hardly to any avail. They do have other products such as nailpolishes, and eyeshadows, and these are sold in the UK in Super Drugs stores (equivalent to a Duane Reade, Walgreens, CVS, etc). Seems like a product that is very hard to find for those of you such as myself who reside OUTSIDE the UK.

Q: Where is that palette from?
A: Again I did not buy this palette, it was given to me by a friend, therefore I do not know where she particularly bought it, but based on my UK friends, it is available at Super Drugs.

Q: Does Ly-Na Pearl Cream whiten your skin?
A: I personally have not noticed it whiten my skin, it also does not have hydroquinone which is a lightening agent, so I do not know if it factually lightens the skin. The ingredients in Ly-Na are: stearic acid, cetanol, lanolin, glyceryl, monostereate, isopropyl, myristate, sulfur, perfume, ion exchange, potassium hydroxide, and pearl powder.

Q: Where can I get Ly-Na in Malaysia?
A: Ly-Na is even hard to find in the US, so I don't know where exactly in Malaysia you can find it, I have suggested Asian markets or beauty stores in my Ly-Na post so you can call around and see if there is any place near you that sell it.

Q: What are the basic steps in your makeup routine?
A: In order:

1. Cleanse my face
2. Apply moisturizer, let it dry, then apply face primer
3. I then apply my eyeshadow base, and eye makeup, mascara, and eyeliner (sometimes I will put foundation BEFORE my eye makeup)
4. Apply my mineral foundation using MAC 180 brush
5. Eyebrows
6. Contour my cheeks with either "Emote" blush (MAC) or "Sculpt" powder (MAC PRO)
7. Apply Blush on the apples of my cheeks (highlighter optional)
8. Lipstick/Lipgloss/Chapstick

Q: I love your haircolor do you get it colored or do you color it yourself?
A: I get my hair colored from my friend who is a licensed cosmetologist, he is fabulous with cut and color! I usually do a dark chocolate brown since I look weird with hair color lighter than that shade, so I tend to stay in the medium to dark brown range.

Q: Suggestions to do a "Marie Antoinette" costume?
A: Pick a light powder, almost white, blend on your face and neck, apply a brown mascara, keep the eyes simple, and create thicker squared eyebrows using a light or medium brown powder, top off with a nice deep plum/raspberry or deep rose lipcolor. MAC "Romancin'" lipstick from "Adoring Carmine" is perfect!

Q: Ly-Na Pearl Cream contains mercury?
A: I have not found any reports that had this, a reader said it was discontinued, but FDA regulations here in the US will not allow a product to be sold with such a chemical without being approved. Therefore I found no evidence personally to withstand that claim, as there is also no mention of it on the box or ingredients.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UK Reader Haul!


A good friend and reader, Neha, was kind enough to send me some surprise goodies! She is just so sweet and thoughtful and wanted me try out some of the drugstore brands they have over there in the UK. And I must say, if these are just drugstore brands, I really want to move to the UK! LOL.

Just look how pigmented this palette is!

Also here are some posts I am working on to deliver y'all to satiate your cravings!

- Review on the Acmemedia powder
- Perhaps some more Halloween looks (fairy, etc)
- Hair products/tools
- Review on the Kanebo eyebrow pen
...and more!

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I was tagged by Ria and Alienman.

Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I am scared of heights and the dark (well mostly of what I can't see in the dark)
2. I was engaged once
3. I've been best friends with Erica for 12 years!
4. I may look and dress girly, but I am also a tomboy! I love to race cars, play video games, etc.
5. I can't whistle :(
6. I love pickles!

I am tagging all you gorgeous ladies (and gents!)

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Product Review: The Body Deli Light Facial Emulsion Moisturizer


I recently had an opportunity to try this product out; the "Light Facial Emulsion" with Flash Flood Moisture ($36), it's from The Body Deli which is a company that sells only fresh organic skin and body products using only the freshest, organic ingredients. You can find a wide range of the ingredients they put in their products HERE. I never tried any of their products before so I was eager to try this.

It's basically a nice light moisturizer for the face, it smells like an orange creamsicle, almost like a smoothie- so it's a nice treat for the face, even though I was so tempted to just drink it since it smelled so good! It is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins E & C, and Chamomile. I just really like how it's pure and contains natural ingredients, which in turn makes me want to try some of their other products like their scrubs.

This particular moisturizer feels really nice on the skin. My face absorbs it well without leaving my skin feeling tight or dry. It's also not watery, but not thick either, so it feels like a perfect balance of both a great moisturizer, one that doesn't have you re-applying every so often and one that doesn't make you feel oily. In comparison to the Merlot Grapeseed Moisturizer, this one doesn't feel as watery in terms of consistency, and the smell is nicer to me than the Merlot which has a strong grapefruit type of a smell that sometimes can be a bit overwhelming for me personally. I also like how the body deli moisturizer comes in a pump bottle which I like for sanitary reasons, as well as the bottle itself being a perfect size for traveling or even just to moisturize throughout the day.

The website describes it as: Flood your skin with weightless moisture. This revolutionary facial emulsion uses chiral technology to greatly increase cellular absorption and reduce irritation. This light facial moisturizer is designed to hydrate the skin and treat acne prone skin conditions. Salicylic acid and our proprietary blend of Silica, Sulphur, Maganezium and Copper act as a benzol peroxide alternative to help heal and clear up blemishes without drying out the skin. Use this moisturizer daily to condition the skin and enjoy the fresh, clean feeling of this very special facial emulsion.

Fresh Ingredients:
Organic Aloe Vera Juice, Micro Clustered Ionized Water, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, D-glucuronic, D-alpha-tocopherol, Soy Lecithin, Rosemary Oil Extract, Green Tea Extract, Vegetable Emulsifying Wax, Polysorbate, Yarrow Extract, Fresh Cells of Pomegranate, Pumpkin, & Carrot, Squalane, Soy Amino Acid Complex, Ionic Silica, Ionic Sulphur, Ionic Copper, Ionic Maganezium, Organic Evening Primrose Oil, Organic Carrot Seed Oil, Organic Rosehip Seed Oil, Beta-Glucosamine, L-alpha bisabolol, Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5), Chamomile (L-complex), Cucumber Distillate, Blood Orange, Rosemary, & Potassium Sorbate.

So for those of you who love organic ingredients, especially when it comes to skincare, then definitely look at their website and check out the different products they have. They have tons of stuff from facial care, scrubs, to body care- to suit any skin type: dry skin, oily skin, normal skin, etc.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wedding Pics from Vegas!


I missed you gals! We were so busy this weekend so I didn't have time to hop on the 'net, so I know I have TONS of stuff to catch up on! I am scared to check my emails, haha.

Vegas was, and is always a lot of fun! My co-worker Maricel got married this past saturday; congrats to her and her new husband Patrick! It was such an adorable ceremony, and she looked so gorgeous! The chapel has GLASS FLOWERS, yup GLASS! I thought that was pretty cool, and their daughter was their flower girl and she was just TOO CUTE! The party favors was a deck of cards that said "Lucky in love" on one side and "Two of a kind" on the other.

I brought my digital SLR, so I was able to take a few photos to add to my portfolio. For those of you who are new to reading my blog, my first love has always been photography, so I actually like it more than makeup (I know shocker huh!) There's just a rush I get from photograhy- how the camera captures what you sometimes can't see with the naked eye; how it just freezes time! It's just fun!

The BF and I gambled a bit, and of course HE won again, he always wins that lucky bastard, LOL. First of all, he found a voucher on the floor for $15, which he used to play on a slot machine, and in turn, he won $230 off of that! Then he won another $200 playing blackjack. It was funny because we were walking around the roulette tables with some of our friends and the BF says "watch it's gonna be black 8", and so the dealer starts to spin the ball and it lands on black 8!!!! We were all just in disbelief that he called it, and at the same time we were yelling at him that he should have bet, but he said that if he bet he wouldn't have won (he has this thing where if he's truly feeling a table then he'll win, if not, he'll lose), so I know he had tons of fun, LOL.

I on the other hand, went to the CCO (Cosmetics Company Outlet) and of course picked up a few goodies for myself (with the money he won hahaha), he always gives me money when he wins, he says it goes back to "karma" and sharing the wealth- can't argue there if it gets me makeup, LOL. So I just got the Renewal Defense Charged Water, Lacquer in "Tongue in Chic", Lustre lipglass in "Bateaux", MAC l/s (LE) in "Propaganda" (the most gorgeous NUDE color I have ever seen! The swatch doesn't do it justice!), Alexander McQueen e/s in "Haunting" and "Pagan".

Then we ate at the Wynn buffet for the first time, OMG that was one good buffet! They had candied apples and my favorite- cupcakes! I was in HEAVEN!

Anyway, here are some pics!

The glass flowers...at least you know they'll never die, lol.

Me & the BF, I got my dress from a mom & pop shop called "Fashion Q" near my work:

Me & my co-worker Diana:

The beautiful bride:

Bride and her dad:

Look how cute the ring bearer was!

The BRIDE'S Family:

The GROOM'S Family:

The WEDDING Party:

The reception at the Pampas Brazilian Grille in Planet Hollywood:

And of course the bride SMASHED the cake into the groom's face!

The co-workers!

Me and Aubrey cakes! I swear she makes me want to have a kid, lol. She is just so sweet! (her mom disagrees, haha)

This rockstar loves Hello Kitty!

My CCO Haul:

The cute little cupcake at the Wynn buffet:

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