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Friday, March 14, 2008

Busy, Busy, Bumblebee


Some of you gals are having trouble finding the Ardell Lash & Brow Growth Accelerator, they have it (different packaging, but nonetheless the same) at Drugstore.com.

Also, Cherry Culture.com (my second home) is having a March Madness sale until MARCH 20th, 20% off everything in the store! Use CODE: MMAD20

Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Lately I have been feeling like there's just not enough time, and the time change doesn't help much.

The new site is far from being done, well it may look almost to some, but there's just so much content that needs to be put in and of course that takes time- something I rarely have these days....I think I am going to take a weekend soon to just work on it.

Tomorrow is the birthday shoot for my friend's baby, and I am hoping that the precocious 1 year old will co-operate with me and I can at least get a few good shots. I am leaving for NY on Sunday, and I haven't packed yet. I still have to get my shirts dry cleaned and all that jazz, just thinking about packing my makeup and bathroom essentials already makes my mind exhausted. I hate leaving the comfort of MY bed, yet I like traveling. I think the whole packing and unpacking business makes it a bit crazy. I haven't even thought of places I want to hit up, other than the MAC PRO store over there, but even then there's actually nothing on my lemmings list *shocker!*

We are hosting a party Wednesday night at some club called Spotlight, so for you New Yorkers reading this, see if you can get it, there will be a Karaoke contest!

Here are some upcoming posts:

- Yellow and Pink FOTD using NYX Chrome Eyeshadows
- Monistat Anti-Chafing Gel...possible primer?
- St. Patrick's Day FOTD
- Acne Gel Dots Product Review
- Cleansing Oil Product Review
- How to give the illusion of FULLER lips


Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa!

I'm thinking about buying the Travelon overnight train case so I looked it up on Amazon.com. The weird thing is, the "deluxe train case" and "medium train case" have the exact same description and size dimensions. Do you know what the difference between the deluxe and medium is?

Thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

hey Vanessa!

I'm from the SFV too, and I was just wondering where I can get the Ardell Lash & Brow Growth Accelerator around this area?


Vanessa said...

Hi Christina, I think the difference is just the amount of trays and compartments, I got the medium one.

Makayla- I gotmine from ULTA in Pasadena, so I am not sure where you can find it around here, but like I said before you can probably find it at most drugstores.

MrsDiaz said...

Hi Ness,
Oh I know what you mean about packing. We leave this week for our one year anniversary trip. I am so not in the mood to repack all my makeup stuff after coming back from the Philippines. And did I mention I left like 6 Sephora eye brushes in the Philippines? I know I will never see them again. *sigh*

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

There is definitely not enough hours in a day. But you got the posting thing down better than I do. I should probably stop commenting so much because I could be posting instead, lol :P

Have a safe trip sis!

Linda said...

I just bought the Monistat Chafing Relief powder-gel one. Is this the same as the Anti-Chafing one? I don't want to put this on my face if it's the wrong one. lol

Anonymous said...

No Ardell in my sight - none at Walmart or Walgreens! I might try CVS otherwise definitely ordering that sucker online... :)

And oh gosh! so today I went to buy my extensions and glue at a Beauty City and low and behold I FINALLY found NYX Cosmetics. It was such a bummer though because they barely had anything (the 1$ lipsticks, e/s trios, and jumbo pencils) and it was such a mess as the store is kind of "ghetto" lol. So, now I'm even more happy and urged to spend lots of money at cherryculture -- I've been waiting for a sale! woo woo.

Have a great trip.........:)

Nichi said...

what do you reccomend for acne? I usually have decently clear skin, but this week I've been breaking out like crazy!

(and I'm definately looking for ardell as well -.-)

IchigoBunnie said...

have a safe and fun trip! ^__^

uggg, you are SO lucky to have the Ardell in stores! They are NO WHERE here in Houston TX :( I had to order them online and the shipping costs make them a bit more expensive to buy....

and I noticed Cherryculture raised their prices on the NYX single eyeshadows back to its original $3.99 instead of $2.80...that sucks :( ...the $1 savings is a lot..

and I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts! looks great! ^_^

The Apprentice said...

I've seen the Ardell at Pharmasave. (I believe this is only in Canada but I could be wrong).

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa,
I have a question that might sound dumb but I am wondering what eyebrow stencils are? And how to use them? I been searching thru your blog, reading posts and I seen Ardell Brow Perfection Stencils and I never seen anything like this before... Thanks in advance for an answer :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

OMG you guys celebrate St Patricks Day also? :D

looking forward to your upcoming posts and have taken up the discount sales from cherryculture xD

(g)ezebel said...

bah! everything on cherry culture that i want is out of stock!!! >:0/

Karen said...

Good luck on your shoot tomorrow! I hope the baby works that camera for you!

Katleen said...

hi there ate vanessa:)

i got a question its OFF TOPIC..lol
uhmm..what MAC e/s shade would you suggest?.. that i can use from work to a girls night out..lol hahahaha
and i dont want too bright color at first..im just scared to try it..thanks:)

Anonymous said...

Monistat and Smashbox. lol Who knew! haha, that's still hilarious to me. Can't wait for the upcoming FOTDs. :)

CuttiBeBe said...

Spotlight is like a block away from where I work! It's in midtown by time square.
I am so lemming the anti-chafing gel, that'd be my next cosmetic horror prank for my bf, lol. I love using these unknown brand stuff and leave it in the bathroom for him to wonder what I use them for. lol.
enjoy NYC. =)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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