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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pictures! Happy Easter!


Happy Easter! Sorry for the lack of updates, I am still catching up on sleep! I finally had time to unpack the luggage, only to pack it again weeks later for my San Francisco trip...argh!

So here are some pics from my trip, it was honestly crazy how earlier in the week I was wearing boots and gloves, and today I wore flip flops! Gotta love the West Coast!

Another airplane pic, this time it was from NY to LA, I just loved the overcast as it was raining that day:

It got so cold during the flight that there were frosties on the window!

NY Traffic!

We saw the infamous NAKED COWBOY!

Relax! It was a "Shirley Temple" (I am allergic to drinking alcohol)

Me and my co-workers:

Waiting for the shuttle...

Here are some pics I took of that one year old's birthday right before I left for NY...

Mommy and Ayden

Daddy and Ayden

Of course I had to get something from the Heatherette Collection! I only got two lipsticks and two lipglosses: Melrose Mood, Fleshpot, Bonus Beat, and Starlet Kiss.

Bonus Beat looks similar to "C-Thru" Lipglass but a lot more sparkle:

No primer, "Fleshpot" lipstick by itself:

"Melrose Mood":


Unknown said...

Aaaaah! Today I was watching American Idol Rewind where they went back to Season 2, and there was a contestant named Carmen Rasmusen who looks just like you (but white!) I don't know if you've ever gotten it -- I wouldn't be surprised if you have.

aaah look her up! tell me if you agree

Unknown said...

looks like you had lots of fun!

Vi Anne said...

Happy Easter, Vanessa! Love the pics and the baby is so adorable! I'm allergic to alcohol too! I like the melrose mood lippie. :)

Anonymous said...

tricia said
glad to see u made it back safe! i soooo love the pics, from the sky u always take great pics. what kind of camera did u use?

Anonymous said...

i see you made it to duane read!


Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Glad your back sis. Looks like a lot of fun. And the baby pictures are adorable!

mandilicious said...

now we can all say welcome back!..we all missed you..btw, i love the long green dress..where'd you get it?

Anonymous said...

i like fleshpot on you. i got melrose mood myself. :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of the airplane in the clouds - so pretty!!!

Also did you by chance do your friends makeup for her baby's birthday or does it look like she just has good makeup skills too?? haha

Melrose Mood l/s = loveeee:) I need to go back and get myself a second one a-sap

laadyLike said...

Looks like you had a good trip! New York looks amazing, I can't wait until I plan a trip to go there.

Anonymous said...

happy easter! wow, all lippies from Heatherette lol. what is the single e/s you got? it looks like Parrot. i could be wrong lol. btw, green really loves you!!! and you're so cute with matching with the dress lol!!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

great pics! welcome back :) the lil one year old is soooo cute...and i loveeee those heatherette lippies :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

aww the little boy is so cute and adorable!!

you look hot in green :D

Anonymous said...

YAY I've been waiting to see what you got from Heatherette!! I went soo crazy, I'm so obsessed with this collection!! I can't wait to see the looks you come up with, Melrose Mood definitely seems like your kind of color, haha! BTW, you look GORGEOUS in those pictures. You are probably like 1of 10 people that can pull off intense green eyeshadow and look sooo pretty doing it!

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! If your green dress is from Old Navy I ordered the same one last week :)! You look cute.

Ethereal Prey said...

lol...naked cowboy always scaring everyone...well at least he's doing it indoors now...looks like you had fun :)

Kim said...

i'm surprised you didn't get hollywood nights :] i got every lipstick and the same two lipglasses you did. i also got the beauty powder in alpha girl and the e/s trios.

Tracy Roa said...

welcome back! you took some great pictures. green does look great on you. i did a green look on st. patty's day and the boyfriend complimented me on my makeup for the first time EVER. haha. something about that color... go figure!

Vanessa said...

Hi Corrine! haha I don't know, don't really see the resemblance but then again I am my own biggest critic, lol!

Hi Tricia! I missed you too love! I used just my purse camera this time, CANON SD750.

Rissa- Yup! I love Duane Reade! Too bad we don't have one here in Cali!

Thanks sis Lynne and Anne!

Mandi- I got it from Old Navy!

Hi Brittni! Yup I did her makeup too! Glad you like it! It matched her shirt perfectly!

Lei- You will LOVE NY! You should definitely make a trip there! It's freezing there now though!

Moi- It's actually "Steamy" which I am selling since I have Parrot (doh to me!)

Thanks sis Ren!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

i love you in green! heh. :) looks like you had a great time mama. :) and you always take such beautiful pictures. :D happy belated easter! :D

nilla cookie said...

Welcome home!!

Are you coming to SF for another biz trip? If you work in the ad industry, maybe you'll be here for AdTech? We should go shopping together!! :)

I really like Sock Hop and Lollipop Loving - you should get it.. I know, enabling again ;)

Anonymous said...

NY looked great! i'd love to go! Melrose mood and fleshpot look so pretty on you but garish in some swatches I've seen on other people lol

yummy411 said...

great shots!!! i just asked karen about bonus beat and asked her if it was super close to c-thru with shimmer. i'll try it out for myself.

thanks for sharing the swatches!

ilurvemakeup said...

Those pictures are awesome :) I hate the crazy city, but at night it's really fun to look at :) Plus you look amazing! Wish I can pull off green like you girly!!!

Awwwwwwwwww!!!! Loving the 2 yr old pictures!!! :D

watercoloursky said...

Missed you too Nessa! :) lucky you, getting to go to NY. I want to go badly. Might do that the next long weekend :)

wow Melrose Mood looks awesome on you! I've been wondering if Fleshpot would work the same way as lip erase as a lip base...do you think lip erase would still work better?

Anonymous said...

hey nessa...yeah, how come fleshpot and melrose mood look amazing on you....but the swatches i've seen on other people make me cringe. did you blot like crazy? is it really that pretty? i'm about to go out n add them to my collection.

Anonymous said...

I'm allergic to alcohol too, it really sucks not being able to be an "average" person and be able to drink but shirley temples are sooo yummy.

Melissa Joy said...

welcome back! u make me so confident that I'll love melrose mood (i ordered mine... so I have to wait..)!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nessa, welcome back!! great pics! and you look stunning, love the green e/s, by the way what did you used?? e/s blush and lippie"show orchid?" lol tons of questions sorry. Such a cute green dress, Im soo in love with greens lately. Regarding Heatherette Collection, I thought youd be getting Hollywood nights =)

sweetie, you look gorgeous in all your pics.

Bliss said...

i really love the snowflakes pics you took and you look great in green :) and the baby is too cute :D,just wanna pinch his cheeks.

Bliss said...

i really love the snowflakes pics you took and you look great in green :) and the baby is too cute :D,just wanna pinch his cheeks.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

aww i thought i left you a msg the other day and its not shown up :(

anyway, nice haul! the baby is SO cute! I love you in green! you are my green goddess!! hehe.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

argh i dont know if my msg gone thru?! lol the comment box didnt say -_-"

well anyway i love you in green, your officially my green goddess ;P hehe

JANE said...

Your camera takes brillant photos (re: trip). I especially like the pictures of the plane that was descending and the frost forming on the windom. The smallest things make all the difference, huh?

I seriously thought I was the only one allergic to alcohol. I'm sick and tired of people getting shocked or think I'm lying about it.

You look so adorable in those sunglasses! And I can't get over how cute the baby's haircut is!

JANE said...

Your camera takes brillant photos (re: trip). I especially like the pictures of the plane that was descending and the frost forming on the windom. The smallest things make all the difference, huh?

I seriously thought I was the only one allergic to alcohol. I'm sick and tired of people getting shocked or think I'm lying about it.

You look so adorable in those sunglasses! And I can't get over how cute the baby's haircut is!

The Shades Of U said...

You look gahwjus in green, both makeup and outfit-wise! Your NY pics are BEAUTIFUL!!! What camera did you use? And also, did you ever get to visit the new Pro store on 22nd st?

Vanessa said...

Hi Kat! yeah I love it, I didn't b lot at all I just dabbed it on my lips, Melrose Mood is a bit bright, so I soften it with some gloss...but they are pretty!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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