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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Product Review & Tutorial: Clear Care Contact Lens Solution (Contact Lenses Cleansing System)


So after first seeing this on Miss Jaclyn's blog (thanks Jackie for this!), I had to check this out for myself because I have Freshlook Colored Contacts that needed to be thoroughly cleaned. Despite the fact I rarely wear them because I hate dealing with dryness, re-wetting them, etc. I still like to keep them clean when I am not using them.

So I picked this up at Target after work last week, and before I begin with the tutorial and my review, let me briefly describe how it works. First of all it's NOT a solution you rinse your lenses with before you put your lenses in your eyes, doing this WILL CAUSE STINGING AND BURNING IN YOUR EYES! You also MUST use the lens case it come with ONLY, not the typical lens cases because the case itself is what really cleans and neutralizes the solution to thoroughly clean your lenses and making the solution itself be neutralized so that it's similar to your natural tears, thus preventing burning once it's done. The NEUTRALIZING DISC is what causing the chemical reaction with the solution to clean your lenses. It takes 6 HOURS for it to clean your lenses, after 6 hours you may placed them straight from the case into your eyes. If you plan to not wear them, they can be stored in the case as is for up to a week.

Product: 4 out of 5
Packaging: 5 out of 5
Overall: 5 out of 5
Price: $7-$9, available at most drugstores

PROS: Really does an awesome job at cleaning your lenses, also prevents dryness, no re-wetting needed, made my lenses very comfortable to wear. I like how there is no additional cleaning, you can take it out right from the case and wear them, and NO burning whatsoever! You can WATCH the cleaning magic happen! It works for any types of lenses as well.

CONS: Takes up to 6 hours for it to thoroughly clean your contacts, so if you need to wear them asap, plan accordingly! You cannot interrupt the process so it's important to allow yourself 6 hours before you wear them.

Overall: This is seriously a Godsend! It's pure genius and I am glad something like this exists. I am sure it will help many of you who wear contacts on a daily basis.

Here's how it works:

Place your lenses on the dome and close the basket, make sure it's right on the dome to avoid ripping or tearing your lenses.

Each side is labeled "R" and "L" for right and left...

Fill the container up to the line with the solution:

Place it into the container...

And then watch the MAGIC! PLAY the video to see live action cleaning!


Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Blogger is a POS! Ok, sorry.

I read her entry on that also. I does look really neat and I love the deep frying action you get!

I'll probably pick one up this weekend since we're running low anyways.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

ha! that video of the live cleaning action is neat! hehe. :] thanks for posting a review of this. i definitely need this, and it's great because you said it helps with dryness (which i suffer from ALOT which is why i also hardly wear my contacts). :] i need to get me some of this already. hehe. i already have the contact cases too, and they are the right kind because they look exactly like that one and they have the little metal thing in the bottom black neutralizing disc thingy. haha. :P :]

MrsDiaz said...

Hey Ness,
When I first got contact lenses 13 years ago, (wow that makes me sound so old) my eye doc recommended this stuff. Needless to say, I still use it because it works. Definitely make sure you leave it in there for that 6 hours or it burns like you know what. I've had that happen when I stuck it in my eye too early. Feels like you're burning your retina off.

Anyways, I created a new blog, so update your link. It's www.mschas.blogspot.com I decided I needed to be a beauty blogger as well! Hey you guys are all bad influences on me! hehe

Elizabeth said...

that looks so cool! But where the hell would i find that in Australia??? Ive never seen that at my target!

ilurvemakeup said...

I need to get me one of these today! TY!!! :)

Jaclyn Rose said...

oooh, i like the live video. your pictures came out great on this! good review.

glad I can help! and glad this works for you.

Xuanie said...

wow i didnt even know they had something like this. I def need this stuff. My contacts are always drying out my eyes. thanks for the review!

Anonymous said...

Also, while all of the other contact lens solutions [like optifree, renu, aquify, etc] kill only bacteria, clear care is the only one that kills both bacteria AND fungus! i work at an optometrist office =)

Tracy Roa said...

i've been wearing contacts for over 10 years now. i was recommended to use b&l renu, but then there was that big scare about it causing eye infections =/. i started using clear care (it's pretty cheap at costco), and i totally vouch for it. it's the best solution i've used, and i've tried out plenty. my vision is so bad, i'm pretty sure i'm close to legally blind. i wear my lenses over 8 hours a day with no discomfort. i would also suggest getting a generic rinsing solution (i also got this from costco... the kirkland brand) just in case. i know what that stinging feels like, and i'm paranoid about it, so i'm always rinsing my lenses before i put them on.

Linda said...

this is soooo amazing! i had no idea this type of product existed. but it still looks a little hard to use.

Vanessa said...

Hi Linda, it's not hard to use at all, as you can see in the pics, it's really just popping the lenses in, filling the container with the solution, close and it cleans it by itself.

SFxSP said...

Hi Vanessa, I use this same lense solution and I love it! It really does the job. And it comes with a little bit of entertainment. =P

Chiara said...

Holy crap, that stuff looks amazing! I'm going to go get that now!

Fei said...

I'll def have to get that!!

Girrrrl... Cheesey works. lol! How'd you think Vernon got me. XD

Bliss said...

Great Review, this is such a nifty device, i gotta try this out :)

Charlene said...

oh i absolutely swear by this!! As soon as i find them in a drugstore they are sold out...but love this cleaning system. Watching the cleaning, and HEARING the sounds, definetly makes me feel like real cleaning is taking place.

laadyLike said...

Wow, that's kinda cool! I've never seen that before but I think I'll check it out next time I run out of my current solution bottle. My contacts tend to dry out too, so maybe this will help.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i saw this on missjacklynrose's blog too! this doodad is so cool! i would go get it right now but someone stole my identity yesterday and my account is overdrawn...dagnabit!

(g)ezebel said...

damn, girl. you just made me feel sooooo old. i was using one of those things when i got my very first pair of colored contacts; about 17 years ago...

this is obviously a newer, more improved product. do you know if it can be used for disposable lenses (the week-long kind)?

HairMakeupTalk said...

i def got this today and trying it out now, hopefully it will clean it well
what camera do you use because the picture qualities are amazing

Seymone said...

This is a great review.. I have to pick it up tomorrow. Thanks alot.

ilurvemakeup said...

I just got this today ^_^

Anonymous said...

I have been using this for about a year and I love how simple it is. My contacts feel so much better. I did make one mistake though and bought the Target generic version to be cheap. I hate it. The solution is alright but the case is horrible.

Distinque said...

lol that shit is cool. i agree with lynne it looks like the contacts are getting deep fried.

Distinque said...

lol that shit is cool. i agree with lynne it looks like the contacts are getting deep fried.

Anonymous said...

I've been using this for about a year now and I will never use anything else. It saves me from much irritation.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I this can get baby in Singapore or Japan , I've been using contacts for a year or two , I think I started using contacts when I'm 12... I've been using Rohto (a japanese brand) but the clear care contacts lens solution seem like a great baby to use... I think I will try to search for it in Shibuya or harajuku...

Anonymous said...

I can't find it anywhere? Is that whole name of it? I looked on the Target and Walgreens website and I can't find it, or do they not have it listed online and you can only pick it up in store?

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

oo that lens cleaner looks really nifty! I would definitely be interested in buying that, if only it was available here -_-"

I also find Freshlook too drying :S

IchigoBunnie said...

oo i have that contact solution! It works SO WELL. When I went to my old optometrist, she made me use Opti-Free, which was fine, but then I just switched to some new doctor closer to my house and he told me to this one. OMG now my contacts RARELY itch and bother me...and i love how it bubbles up...when i first got it, i literally stood right in front of it for like 10 minutes staring at the chemical reaction hahahah XD

Anonymous said...

that is so cool!
I hope i can find that here.

psychoexgirlfriend said...

LOL, I wish I read this post earlier this week! I bought this and when I went to wet my contact lenses with the solution, my eyes burned and closed shut I couldn't pry my lids open to get the lens out. I promptly threw away the solution, the case and the lenses!

watercoloursky said...

i tried this out yesterday, but i found the solution foamed up so much it leaked out of the cap! (which was closed tightly...) Did that happen for you too?

Because it leaked out more of the lens was exposed (out of solution) so I had to add more :S

JBBGirl said...

I was just curious....does the clear care affect the color in your color lenses? I wanted to use this but wasn't sure! Thanks so much!!


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