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Thursday, August 21, 2008

MAC: Cult of Cherry & Overrich Collections Released Today!


What are you all planning on getting?

Did anyone watch Run's House last night? It was hilarious. Justine wanted to get a "tattoo" of a beauty mark or a mole and she kept saying that it's not a tattoo and that she would get it done at a beauty place; so she places these dots all over her face to see which spot she liked better for it and Run says "Why do you look like a ladybug?" LOL. I think it's just funny how there are some people who put makeup on to create one when I wanna get rid of all of mine! I guess you always want what you don't have sometimes... :(

Anyway, Cult of Cherry and Overrich is being released today! Yay! Well I am not too excited about Cult of Cherry because a.)Some of the eyeshadows are repromotes or permanent e/s and b.)I think they are dupable. Hence I just plan on getting maybe a couple lipsticks and a lipglass. From Overrich, I think I like all of the pigments but who knows what I will end up walking out with.

Eyeshadow Quad: Spiced Chocolate $36.00USD (LE)

* Nanogold - Sheer yellow beige with pink pearl (Lustre) (Repromote from N Collection)
* Brash - Frosty reddish copper (Veluxe Pearl)
* Spiced Chocolate - Deep reddish brown (Matte)
* Sweet Chestnut - Frosted cranberry (Frost)

Eyeshadow Quad: Tempting Quad $36.00USD (LE)

* Next to Nothing - Next to Nothing - Cream white with pink pearl (Frost) (Repromote from Smoke Signals)
* Sharp - Frosty bright yellow-green (Satin)
* Dark Edge - Dirty chocolate brown (Matte) (Repromote from N Collection)
* Tempting - Sinfully rich coco (Lustre) (Repromote)

Eyeshadow Quad: Shadowy Lady Quad $36.00USD (LE)

* Light Fall - Light Pink (Satin)
* Smudged Violet - Frosty blackened lavender with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost)
* Deep Truth - Dark blue (Frost) (Repromote)
* Shadowy Lady - Darkly veiled plum (Matte) (Repromote)

Lipsticks: $14.00USD

* Creme Cerise - Sheer yellow taupe (Lustre) (LE)
* Lightly Ripe - Sheer mid-tone pink (Lustre) (LE)
* Russian Red - Intense bluish-red (Matte) (Repromote)
* O - Intense purplish-red with metallic golden shimmer (Frost) (Repromote)
* So Scarlet - Grape burgundy (Amplified Creme) (LE)

Lipglass: $14.00USD

* Cherry Blossom - Sheer light pink with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost) (LE)
* Rich & Ripe - Mid-tone pinkish red with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost) (LE)
* Cult of Cherry - Red with red pearlized pigments (Frost) (LE)
* Liquor - Neutral brownish mauve with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost)(LE)
* Jampacked - Sheer grape with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost) (LE)

Mattenes: $14.50USD

* Rapturous - Deep berry red (LE) (Repromote from Mattene)
* Kirsch - Blackened cranberry (Mattene) (LE)
* Chock-ful - Blackened brown (Mattene) (LE)
* Bing - Blackened eggplant (Mattene) (LE)

Nail Lacquer: $11.00USD

* Silverstruck - Frosted greyed taupe with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Frost)(LE)
* Illegal Purple - Creamy blackened eggplant (Cream) (LE)

Blush: $17.50USD

* Plum du Bois - Frosted deep pink bronze with gold pearlized pigments (Frost) (LE)
* Blooming - Frosted deep peach (Frost) (LE)

Mascara: - $12.00USD

* Zoomblack - Rich Black (Permanent)

Pigments: $19.50USD

* Blonde's Gold - Light tan with gold and white pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)
* Antique Green - Turquoise green with gold pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)
* Vintage Gold - Tarnished green with green pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)
* Museum Bronze - Rich taupe with gold pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)
* Mauvement - Cool taupe with gold pearl (LE) (Repromote from Rushmetal)
* Mega-Rich - Frosty burnt orange with gold pearl (LE)
* Copperbeam - Rusted brown with red pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)
* Heritage Rouge - Deep burgundy with red and brown pearl (New - To be perm at MAC Pro stores)



♔Jaimie said...

Hey vanessa! That sounds like a fun episode, Justine is so cute and funny. Shes like the cutest mom lol. And nooo keep our beauty marks! I have one near my lip too. They're sophisticated lol

Anonymous said...

i feel the same way that you do. nothing really tickled my fancy...i was kinda disappointed with this collection. it's pretty but it's too red/dark for me. i was hoping i'd like it more, but i don't =(

Maja said...

Unfortunatly we have to wait about another 3 weeks before Cult of Cherry hits the MAC-stores here in Sweden. I really want the Cherry Blossom lipglass and all the pigments.
I´m looking forward to your review of this collection :)

roxy. said...

I agree about the e/s from this collection I feel like they hyped it up but its just a bunch of repromotes! I think I'll end up getting some pigments and a bunch of lippies but that's it! Can't wait to see your haul =]

Anastasia said...

Hopefully this collection will be in in time for my trip to the MAC pro store in London. I absolutely love Vintage Gold and Antique Green, they're so stunning @_@

If you've seen my blog at all, you know I'm obseessssed with green eyeshadow. I wish I could find the MAC C-Shock collection ><

As an aside, I freakin' love those cherry earrings in the promo picture.

Bombchell said...

lol wow i actually just had a friend say that this past week about the beauty mark tattoo lol.

ainstein said...

I love run's house!!! I totally forgot to watch it last nite though. Russy is cute n very funny. Hopefully they will have re-runs over the weekend or something. I'm a sucker for reality tv hehe.

Katy said...

The collection looks awesome! I have to def. go to Mac tomorrow to buy it!

alien man?! said...

LOL I had a friend who would draw a fake mole on her lip b/c she wanted one so badly.

Yasmine said...

Since my MAC collection isn't that big, I don't have any of the colors in the eyeshadow quads so this collection was perfect for me. I went a little crazy this morning since i'm so excited about leaving for California tomorrow! This is what I hauled:

Spiced Chocolate Quad
Tempting Quad

So Scarlet Lipstick
Cult of Cherry Lipglass
Jampacked Lipglass
Rich & Ripe Lipglass

Plum du Bios Blush

From the Overich Collection I hauled:

Museum Bronze
Heritage Rouge
Vintage Gold

I also got 2 more 15-eyeshadow palette's and 1 blush palette. Then I went to Sephora and did some more damage.....i'm such a bad (and BROKE) girl!!!! Can't wait to see what you hauled. Smooches.

jenneRs said...

i only got the liquer lipglass, plum de bois blush & shadowy lady quad. i wasnt too impressed with CHERRY's collection. the OVERRICH pigments looks almost all similar except for the different tonal color. oh wells

MakeupByRenRen said...

get so scarlet lipstick! gorgeoussss

Stephie said...

i plan on getting the nail polishes and possibly the blushes... this looks like such a cute collection!

Anonymous said...

I ended up grabbing:
Currant lip pencil
So Scarlet lipstick
Bing mattene
Cult of Cherry lipglass

and not a part of the Cult of Cherry but I also picked up Pink Poodle when I got my Cult of Cherry stuff.

I love this collection! It's my favorite of their releases in many years.

I was surprised I didn't like Jampacked in person, but it reminded me too much of a color I already have, Oversexed lipglass.

I did a FOTD today based around my lips, as I wore Cherry lip pencil, Bing mattene and Cult of Cherry lipglass.

Cult of Cherry is the PERFECT red for me. I LOVE it!

(g)ezebel said...

darnnit. i was really trying to avoid MAC til the end of the year... :0/

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa!

I really like 2 of the colors from the cult of cherry quads but I don't want to buy an entire quad for just 2 colors.

Do you (or anyone else) know any dupes for Sweet Chestnut and Smudged Violet??

Thanks =)

Anonymous said...

I am definitely not on CoC train, but I do like the Overrich pigments and I will get samples of 3 or 4 and that's it. Thankfully, I did not get any CoC as I was able get to some UD stuff that I have been wanting for awhile. woohoo

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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