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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FREE SHIPPING on Purely Cosmetics!



"I hate to change the deal mid-stream, but I've had waaay too many $5 orders that cost me $3 in postage alone (let alone the cost of the product, merchant fees, and shipping/packaging costs) to the point where I'm losing money too often. I'm going to have to alter the rules to establish a $15 minimum order size to qualifiy for FREE FIRST CLASS shipping on all orders - national or international. I'm sorry guys, but I can't keep losing money and keep the promotion up through the end of the month. I hope you understand. So effective this morning, it's FREE SHIPPING on all orders of a minimum of $15."

Simply enter promo code "nessa" (case sensitive, no caps).

I highly recommend the oil absorption powder, her skin smoothing mineral foundation (I am an "Olive Beige"), my favorite beauty blender sponge, and the brush guards she has to protect your makeup brushes and keep them in shape!

Offer is good until March 31st! CLICK HERE to start shopping!


Berryrachel♥ said...

thanks for the info! Good looking out for us!

Ragrunzel said...

Wow, thats nice.

DeBi said...

that is rally tempting!

Girl with Curl said...

I love free shipping. I hate paying shipping at all.

Janelle said...

NICE! I've been thinking about getting the beauty blender sponge. Should I break my beauty diet challenge & buy it?? LOL.

Anonymous said...

woe you are extremely good at finding the sales thanks sooo much helps alot!

divinexjanice said...

I hate to ask but what color mac foundation are you? I was just asking for reference so I can get an idea of what color of Purely Cosmetics to order. I tried to look for it on your blog but I must have missed it. Thanks Vanessa!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Just gotta add one thing here... The free shipping is on First Class Mail only. Don't go selecting International Priority Mail - I'll have to bump it back down to first class or send you an invoice for the additional shipping - or I'll go broke! Thanks for understanding.

AskMeWhats said...

thanks for sharing this! You know I LOVE free international shipping! I will look into those brush guards! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I just placed an order for the brush guards. I love the promo code, free international shipping is so worth it! I've been dying to get those brush guards =)

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I hate to change the deal mid-stream, but I've had waaay too many $5 orders that cost me $3 in postage alone (let alone the cost of the product, merchant fees, and shipping/packaging costs) to the point where I'm losing money too often. I'm going to have to alter the rules to establish a $15 minimum order size to qualifiy for FREE FIRST CLASS shipping on all orders - national or international. I'm sorry guys, but I can't keep losing money and keep the promotion up through the end of the month. I hope you understand. So effective this morning, it's FREE SHIPPING on all orders of a minimum of $15.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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