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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Product Review: MAC Moisturelush Eye Cream


Product: 3 out of 5
Packaging: 4 out of 5
Quality: 3 out of 5
Overall: 2.5 out of 5
Price: $30

What they say: "A richly hydrating eye cream with optical effects. Rejuvenates, reconditions and refreshes. Visibly lifts and firms skin around the eyes: helps reduce early morning/late night puffiness and balance the skin’s moisture levels. Provides long-lasting moisture."

- The tub is tiny enough to take with you in your purse, or store in your makeup bag.
- Moisturized my eyes a LITTLE bit with continuous use
- Has a good amount of product to last you awhile
- No funky smell

- Expensive for an eye cream, $30 and it's not the best eye cream out there...
- Didn't moisturize my eyes as much as I wanted it to, even with continuous use (I used it everyday both morning and night for reference), yet they say it provides "long-lasting moisture".
- No SPF protection

It's an okay eye cream, but I know it's not the best out there, it's mediocre; and totally not worth $30. So my final verdict: keep looking if you are looking for the best undereye eye cream, I know I am!


roxy. said...

I'm trying this right now too and I hate it! I think I like Cliniques better lol

sanniet said...

that sucks...MAC isn't good for everything though! hehe good luck on finding a better eye cream! right now I'm just using my moisturizer as an eye cream hmm

Iyah Love said...

I'm still looking for a good eyecream,. This looks good but expensive :/

BTW, I have a question.. I would like to buy IMATS tickets but have no idea where to purchase the shipping option? Its my 1st time buying it. :( My friend says she bought a ticket and the site asks for her shipping address but wasnt able to purchase the shipping so she would have to pick it up at that day. :/ I'm totally confused :/

K said...

Thanks for sharing your review! I want expensive products to deliver!!!!

Vivi said...

Oh its too bad this one isnt a winner. What a shame, the name sounded so delicious! I hear the Paul and Joe eye treatment cream is good at $32, and it comes in a hygenic squeezy tube!

MateriaL GirL said...

I read u regullary. I like ur reviews and looks. I used to have the same problem with eye creams but, since i've found ferox pure pulp from Veld's ( http://www.velds.fr/en/ ) for eye bags and a rested look, and force vitale- corrective moisturizer from swissline by dermalab ( http://www.swissline.net ) and for intensive eye moisturizing in winter time masque contour des yeux lissant express from Sysley. They are a bit expensive but they really work and a little bit goes long way. You should try.

MateriaL GirL said...

Hi. I'm a regular reader, i love your reviews and makeup looks.
I had the same problem until i found my eyecare routine, now i think it's perfect:
- As everyday eye moisturizer i use Force Vitale- Corrective Eye Moisturizer from Swissline http://www.swissline.net/index.htm
- As a fast response eye cream for a bad sleep
night, to achieve a rested look i use Ferox Pure Pulp from Veld's (it's not just an eye cream it's for all the face but it works amazing on the eyes) you can check the product here http://www.velds.fr/en/
- For intense moisturizing in the Winter time i love Masque Contour des Yeux Lissant Express by Sisley. http://www.sisley-cosmetics.com/

U should try all but my favourite, i mean if i can only have one i will choose Ferox.

I hope u like my suggestions.

Emma said...

I highly recommend Dr. Denese Hydroshield Eye Serum. I don't believe there is anything more moisturizing on the market! Very greasy at first, but that disappears within a few minutes.

veraMAC said...

thanks for doing a review on this :D .. i was kinda eyein' this the other day.. but i wasnt too sure about it .. thankies thankies!!

An Indian's Makeup Blog said...

Hi Vanessa !

Have you tried Kenzo eye creams? They made a big difference on the skin around my eyes ! I use the ginger line ice cold eye cream . It is really not ice cold ;)

GurlOnA"Diet" said...

hm hv u tried the other mac eye thing? its like fast response or something like that

Jen said...

I like Clinique's All About Eyes! :)

Jen said...

I like Clinique's All About Eyes! :)

Beauty Chest said...

if ur eye area gets anywhere as dry like mine you should try ole henriksen fresh start eye cream from sephora..it is often sold out..i visited like 4 diff locations to find one very last one waiting for me on the shelf (lucky me!)..it is def very moisturizing and makes your eyes look brighter as well..its about $30 for it but it'll last you a while.it has a thicker consistency which i need. i have tried probably almost 20 creams out there including la mer, over the counter, clinique..you get the idea! hope you try it and find the same results =)

Ahleessa said...

Thanks for the review! I need to find myself a good eye cream for my poor under eye circle... hehe~

FuN and MakeUp said...

i think i need an anti agin cream.. any recommendations??? im startin to see fine lines on me!! ewwww let me know! somethin that actually works in one bottle! haha

ebvatathemua said...

My under eye skin is so thin and sometimes when I can't sleep well,I've had dark circles too.I use Caudalie Eye Lifting Serum since 2007 and I'm very satisfied.No more dark circle,no more wrinkle and no more puffy:))

Anonymous said...

awe thats too bad its not worth it okay yeah ill keep looking. i am on the search for an eye cream so if i find anything i will post a haul

Liza said...

Hi vanessa! I saw that you tried the MAC moisturelush eye cream, and I agree with you, it's very price, doesnt have SPF, and it doesnt moisturize as much as I want it to for being very pricey. I bought it to treat the dryness on my lids due to my acne medicine. I was wondering if you tried any other creams that moisturizes better and cost a little bit less. i'm in dying need of a new lid cream, b/c my MAC one is running out and I dont want to pay that much for something that doesnt moisturize as much.

Maho Lucil said...

This product definitely whitens dark spots around the eye and at same time reduces fine lines and wrinkles. For me this is the perfect eye cream solution ever.

Anonymous said...

Eye creams is absolutely the best answer to ones skin which shows signs of aging. It brings back the natural glow of the eye and the natural beauty of the face itself. For more information about eye creams you can read different eye cream reviews.

Maho Lucil said...

Eye creams is absolutely the best answer to ones skin which shows signs of aging. It brings back the natural glow of the eye and the natural beauty of the face itself. For more information about eye creams you can read different eye cream reviews.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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