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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

MMBB-My Mineral Bath & Body


I am in love with MMBB! They have such great mineral eyeshadows with finishes from Matte to Shimmer!

Thanks Lisa for also sending me the clay mask to try out!

Black Emeralds:

This is a picture I have posted before, but I used MMBB eyeshadows in "Black Emeralds" on the outer part of the lid (outer V), and "Caribbean Teal" on the rest of the lid:

MMBB "Highlights":

MMBB "Woodrose Glow":

This is how my MAC Samples will look like:

Some Mineral Samples:


Anonymous said...

Just want to say, I found your blog and LOVE IT! Thanks so much for sharing your insight!


Anonymous said...

Oooh...Now I'm definately tempted. I'll have to start buying Flakies and Areo bars to swap for samples. Glad I could help out with the hair problem-those years of being colourist to my friends comes in handy.

swtaznlady said...

Where do you buy your sample jars?

swtaznlady said...

Where do you purchase your sample jars?

mAKe UP mis-hAPS said...

Is the Black emerald's eyeshadow DC? I can't find it anywhere! Thanks by the way for adding me onto your myspace! I absolutely love your blog! I spent the last two days trying to track down the Milani line at all the local Walgreens and Longs Drugs. You would think living in the Bay Area would make it easier to find but it isn't. I live by 3 walgreens all within a 10 mile radius and only 1 of them sells Milani. my email address is

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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